Summing it Up...

Now, that I'm way on the wrong side of sixty, I feel that being true to self is important. "I yam, what I yam." Kindness and smiles are to be given away. Women are strong. Men are more vulnerable than we believe. Husbands may come and go...but one thing I know for sure is that I will NEVAH live without a corgi or coffee in my life if I can prevent it. Come piles of dog fur or hot water!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

VTT...Childhood Flashbacks

Here it is again, time to post for Vintage Thingie Thursday, sponsored by our dear friend, Coloradolady. Please click her name to see other vintage blog entries. It's interesting what everyone comes up with!

This little sweeper was a dynamo in its day. Mom purchased it at Sears, oh, maybe 1961. She used it to sweep a 3-bedroom ranch for over 25 years. She surely got her money's worth out of that little yellow canister!

It seems back in the mid to late 50's, a family wanted an 8mm camera to catch all those Kodak moments for posterity. Our folks were no exception. One or the other seemed to always have this camera in front of one eye, catching my brothers and I either on a camping trip in the UP, visiting family in Michigan, or opening Christmas, under tinsel trimmed trees. My dad in a flannel robe bending over a train track on Christmas is forever in my head, thanks to that little camera. After my Dad died, my family went through reel after reel of film, and had them made into VHS tapes. Our entire childhood was recorded. Aunts, uncles, dogs, houses, a table covered with Thanksgiving's bounty, and our long deceased father, is forever alive on that tape. The first time we watched, we laughed our heads off, and then... cried our eyes out!


Aimz said...

What beautiful memories :-)


Amazing how everything seemed so
cool looking back then. And now all
those old designs are like dinosaurs
hiding in attics and basements until
someone starts collecting them and
they all cool again? Fun stuff!

Olde Dame Penniwig said...

Oh honey...sometimes I think it's too hard on the mind to see and hear the voices of departed loved ones...*sigh* always have something so interesting and stunning to share on Vintage Thursdays...

I have to wonder...will OUR everyday things someday be collected and look vintage to future bloggers? I try to see if they have a "style" but just don't later me dearie...

Anonymous said...

My mother had one of those vacumn cleaners. In fact I inherited after I got married and it kept on working for several years!
I definately in the nesting thing right now. I have been married for 3 months and he has already gained 20lbs.LOL All of that homemade breads and desserts I am making on the weekends. Have a great week.

Miri said...

I just bought a new Hoover vacuum...My Dad also loved his 8mm camera but most of the films just show us walking towards him! and I remember doing it! He'd line us up and say "Now walk towards me!".

Ulla said...

I remember a Hoover like that from my best friend's house in the early sixties! We also had an 8 mm film camera, and some films have been recorded on video so we can watch them. - Lovely flashbacks!

Anonymous said...

Home movies...treasured memories forever, a lovely post :)

Tanya said...

I just love your vintage posts! Simpler times...I would've loved it. That vacuum is awesome :)

Have a great weekend my bloggie friend!

Niki said...

How blessed you are to have those old home movies! We had a similar vacuum that lived forever...I think my mum just got rid of it a few years ago.
Have a great day

Chatty Crone said...

I love how you updated your Blog again. ANd the picture of you and Jim. You guys look so sweet!!

And how great it is you have the videos of your past.

Unknown said...

My parents had the same Hoover! I loved that it was round.

LADY JANE said...

Oh, for the love of family memories...I long for one last moment with my Dad again...he was and forever will be my hero! Thanks for the lovely post! Staying warm...I am..."SWISS MISS" you know...but I better save some for this weekend...getting COLD again....

Susan said...

what a great story. I live in Michigan.

Carla said...

Thank you for sharing your memories with these cool 'vintage' things:)

Coloradolady said...

I agree with Jewelgirl, All of this wonderful vintage items seem a little more charming compared to todays things. It makes me wonder what I have that is modern that one day might become a vintage find...most likely nothing!! Have a great week. This was such a fun post.

Marjorie (Molly) Smith said...

I love seeing all of the great vintage items. Sometime I wonder why we got rid of them...not many vacumms manufactured today would last that long.

Vera said...

I remember the little yellow canister and the movie projector,but I was never fortunate enough to have a projector. Would have been nice with 6 children.

Joanne Kennedy said...


Just checking in on you! Hope all is going well.

There is nothing like the old 8mm film. Something that is so down home special about them. I love to watch old home movies.

You know we just don't make things like we used to. I don't think many of our things today will become the beloved vintage treasures like we have today.


Cricket said...

We had one of those Hoover's in the 70's...must've lasted forever! Thanks for the trip down memory lane!

Anonymous said...

I don't remember those but my parent's had an old Brownie up in the closet. They never used it because it was antiquated...I don't know where it went.. so sad. So lovely that you have all those still.

Carrie said...

How nice to have all those films preserved to enjoy as a family.

SueLovesCherries said...

Let's hear it for movie cameras and Hoovers!!!

Anonymous said...

The films are such a treasure! My life is on slides - a project I need to get to soon. ~Kelly

S said...

My mom had a Hoover, upright putty and orange colored and it worked for a good 20+ years! That round one looks like it's back in style.

I love old cameras!

Y'all come back now...

Y'all come back now...

Everyone is special, and counts!