The boys, Jim and Jake, headed west on Saturday, May 3rd, to Woodland Park, Colorado, to visit his Mom over Mother's Day. Josh, Addie and I went south on May 7th to visit April and Keith in Chapel Hill, and to see lil' Emmy. It worked out great to be there for both April's 32nd birthday, and Mother's Day.
Jim and his Mom went up Pike's Peak on the Cog Railroad, and had the customary treat of hot chocolate and doughnuts up mountain top.
To see their website:
www.cograilway.com Jim has been completing his Mother's "honey do" list while in Colorado, not realizing that his wife has one waiting for him at home as well!
In North Carolina, April treated me to an afternoon tea at The Pineapple Tea Room, in the quaint village of Apex for Mother's Day. The bite-sized treats were exquisite, and the individual pots of tea wrapped in individual cozies; a pure delight to partake. Talk about feeling very girlie! Website:
PineappleTeaRoom We walked through little shops on a sunny Saturday and had a great time.
Emmy is walking and talking up a storm, and her smile is extremely contagious! Josh tried out Asian food for the first time at Ming Garden, and found he loves it! Keith grilled out on Sunday in between the downpours. Josh and I drove straight through on the way home and were glad to sleep in our own beds after the 14 hour trip back to Indiana. Jim and I both took advantage to listen to Christina's soothing CD while driving the long stretches of road.