It's noticable now... that a shift in seasons has begun. The sumac leaves are a rich burgandy, the sunlight has a different dappled light through the pines, it's dark by 7:45 PM, and we're all sitting a little closer to the campfire. We saw Mr & Mrs Wild Turkey with their string of youngin's, on one of the far sites, before the campground began to fill to capacity this weekend.
Labor Day Weekend, is better known as "the last hurrah for campers." Folks are here to celebrate it with their super-soaker squirt guns, burnt hot dog suppers and kids are everywhere, running in every direction. (Addie won't go big girl potty when people are around!!) Yeah, yeah, the State Park IS for public use, but it's all ours during the week, and it's hard to share it! Rose and Phil finish their last work shift tomorrow night. The corgi pups and I head home Sunday morning, making the 7 1/2 hour trek back to North Manchester. Jim will stay until Tuesday; he wants to leave the campground clean. We've been tearing down our patio area, stowing things away, and packing up a summer full of memories. It's always hard to leave this state park, it is truly a special and unique place that pulls at our heartstrings... but there's a feeling of anticipation, too, as we head back to the stick built house for awhile, to cuss and discuss what we're going to do this fall. I will especially miss the scented pines, and hot coffee and oatmeal at the Lodge on a rainy morning. Both, are such good therapy... that pills can't touch!
1 comment:
I hope that you had a comfortable and safe trip back home today!
FYI, I sent the signed pic of the wrestler and a card to Josh yesterday, it should arrive around Wednesday. And oddly enough, last night I saw another wrestler, Chris Jericho, but I didn't have a chance to get an autograph. This place is teeming with wrasslers!
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