fifty-seven years ago to be exact. Life was simple. Things and people from '51 would be considered "vintage," right? I'm joining the
Apron Queen again by making a vintage post. Click on her name to see more Vintage Thingies Thursday items.

The Queen of England was a
young chick back in 1951! The film, Streetcar Named Desire premiered. The first
color TV pictures were broadcast from the Empire State Building. Snail mail was cheap in those days, with postage stamps at three cents. In 1951, the Catcher in the Rye was published.

The United Nations Headquarters in NYC opened. The Rosenbergs were put on trial. The first nuclear bomb testing began in Nevada. President Truman fired General MacArthur.

I Love Lucy was the #1 television show in America. The first oral contraceptive was invented. Minimum wage was 75 cents. Gasoline cost nineteen cents a gallon!! Bread, sixteen cents; eggs, twenty-four cents a dozen; and a new car could be yours for a mere $1,500.
A newly built home ran between nine to fourteen thousand dollars, depending if it was brick or not. Nobody watched TV during daytime hours. Kids were outside all day long...and nobody wore seatbelts!

Famous people born in 1951 are Suze Orman, Kurt Russell, Tony Danza, Tommy Hilfiger, Jane Seymour and Rush Limbaugh. Also born that year, not so famous however, are your blog-hosts, Susan and Jim!
We hope you enjoyed this blast to the past with us.
Great post! You really bring things to life and help give a perspective to those who may not have a timeline for these pop culture milestones!
Thanks for giving us a fascinating look at 1951...LOVE IT!! xx
Great illustrations for this post!
I like your post on 1951, what a fun trip down memory lane!
Wonder what the hourly wage was back then. These are all VERY fun and interesting facts.. just a couple of years before I was born. :-)
Lovely post, made me think of my late mom, who was a young chick in 1951 too, and how much fun she had then...
What a fun, time-capsule post! The Queen was so lovely.
I loved your post. We had the tv with radio and record player in the console. I can't believe, I loved seeing a picture of it.
I remember seeing Lucy re runs in in the 70's when I was growing up, now some 30 years later I'm still a big fan :-)
I really enjoyed this posting. It was a lot of fun to read!
thanks for the neat info!
Thanks for your sweet comment about my photos.
Tea, hollyhocks, a good book, yeah!
Hey much cooler to be vintage
than (dread the word) old!
The 1950's is a time many of us
would like to time travel back to.
They were Happy Days!?
What a "vintage" post! I STILL Love Lucy...and have all her shows on DVD. Every so often, I have a "Lucy Moment" and just gotta watch!
Wow! That was a great year! Hmm, I wonder what happened in 1975...disco. I don't think I want to go any further...
Thanks for submitting your post!
Thanks for visiting my blog...I'm having so much fun reading yours! Love the vintage post! Have a happy week...Cat ^..^
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