The drive through Colorado is incredible. The Dixie Chicks hit, from years ago, "Wide Open Spaces" describes what I'm trying to convey here. The openness, other than an isolated ranch, some cattle, horses, antelope, foothills, sandy gulches, is a whole lot of nothingness, but it's awe inspiring.

Lucky break!! Our campsite had a faulty electrical hook-up, so we moved to a much larger, tree laden, buffered by cabins, and level site, thanks to a cancellation! The dogs have a nice yard to potty, right outside our door, rather than having to hoof it to the dog park along the highway. Jim has insulated our water hoses, just in case it freezes. Lots of extra work today, having to set up twice, but overall, we came out ahead. Yahoo!
Bug Update! Yes, thousands of the little asian beetles made the trip west with us. Many have migrated and ended up in three new states. We average killing, or setting free a hundred a day, and they still keep coming. They're up our pant legs, on the back of our necks, and in our hair. Jim had one on his hot ham and cheese sandwich today. They will eventually run out...won't they??????
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