One thing that my family makes without fail is Mom's Christmas cookie recipe. We've been making them for sixty years. Each household, whether it be my sister-in-laws, myself, or Mom's grandkids; ALL use it for cut-outs that we decorate; then gobble up! The smell of real butter, makes us recall a younger, aproned, pink cheeked Mom, as she corralled her three hoodlums to cut out floury, buttery treats.

One year I baked them in my 50's style easy bake oven, one cookie at a time! We used the same cookie cutters each year, the old fashioned red ones, with a pebbly surface on the inside. Trees, stockings, fat Santa's, and the candy cane cutters, now divided between my two offspring; used in their own divine smelling kitchens. Mom/Gram is 91, and doesn't bake anymore...but the memories are firmly in place.

Stockings are still a big part of Christmas morning. We had the traditional orange in the toe, but the rest was all loot! Stockings were done first, before presents, and after my folks woke up a little to a cup of coffee. I made each of my kids an ornament and a patchwork stocking their first Christmas. They use the same ones today, in their own households.
My daughter just completed her patchwork masterpiece for her daughter, Emmy, nearly two.
This, little darlin', is what I'm waiting for this holiday. The North Carolina kids are coming up after Christmas for a few days; that's when the fun will begin.
Having both of my kids, at home, at the same time, plus my grandbaby....now that is what this mama wants for Christmas!
looking forward to eating cookies at your house. emmy will be so fun at christmas this year!
Your post is so touching -- I think you have hit on the exact most important thing about the holidays -- it's when loved ones are with you! Cherish them as I know you do --
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