Marriage isn't easy, and many of us cannot say that "ours" would be Fireproof.
I've been divorced, was single 15 years, and now, have been married to Jim nearly 12 years. We've had our ups and downs. We both came with baggage, and old hurts. We met at age 45. Our nests had emptied. Together, we've been able to enjoy traveling; seeing and doing things that we had only dreamed of. For most of us, marriage is a roller-coaster. Some couples are extremely tight and unflappable. Bully for them. I mean that truly...both of my brothers are blessed in unions like that. Marriage, it seems, needs a lot of nurturing, after the cake and thrown rice.
Many of us forget that, and there lies the rub!
This is one movie that I am going to purchase on DVD.
If you'd like to take the couple test from the Fireproof site, click here. It tells you where your couple strength is, and where your weaknesses are.
I've been talking a great deal lately with Chatty Crone on this subject. Her recent entries explain all this so much better than I can. She's a smart cookie, and I value her wise words.
I am going to forward this test to my daugher and future son-in-law (after I look at it first- teehee).
You are so right - marraige is not for sissies!
Thanks and love,
I love that this view of marriage as an 'everyday' thing is spreading across America. I think we (America) have forgot it IS doable, we just have to DO IT! AND God will help, its important to him. Yea for you and your hubby finding each other, and working it TOGETHER:)
You are so right, marriage is a real roller coaster and a give and take situation. I have been married for 48 yrs and there have been plenty of times I felt like bailing. But We always seem to work it out. I know there are times when it isn't possible to work it out. It is a never ending struggle.... Your post has really helped me understand that there is nothing wrong with me, or my marriage because I can't say we always agree..
You asked about the Wal-Marts in MS most have already did away with material and sewing stuff along with paint supplies. Now they sell scrapbooking and jewery making supplies.
What's this Fireproof business? Got to go over and see what ye and Chatty Crone have been speaking about...this sounds interesting...
I have put this DVD at the top of my Netflix list.
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