Mother Nature is throwing us a curve. Here in Indiana, it's not natural to have springy days on the 10th of February. These are blizzard days; the ground hog knows what he's talking about! My heart knoweth, that this is a fluke, but it was great to be out and about, burning calories and watching the corgi butts wiggle as we walked. No jonquils yet like what Penniwig has seen in Texas!
The corg's and I went to see the pinto ponies before heading home. Pintos as you know, are covered in patches of white and a darker color. Today, they were totally covered in mud. Even the horses got a taste of spring today, and did some serious rolling. (Do you think that actually feels kinda good?)
Today was a temporary reprieve...because deep down I knoweth, that Spring, really hasn't cometh yeteth.
Horses DO know what feels good, and a roll in the hay OR the mud is the BEST! My husband owns a Paint gelding named Wilbur, and he is pretty crusty looking. So is Suzy, my Standardbred mare! I love her brown color, as she's easy to clean up before a ride - no 'chrome' to get stained! Solid Brown gets the Crown!!! She's the best - to heck with the rest!
In yer neck of the woods in February, The Iceman Cometh!!! So today must have seemed so nice.
We're in the midst of a big ol' duststorm right now, can't see 10 feet! 65 mph winds. Hoooowheee!
It sounds like corgis make real good Runnin' Buddies, always happy to go along for the ride/walk/trip!
Here in Illinois we had our "peek" into springtime too...I am so ready but know this is just a tease! As much as I loved it I know more snow will only follow!
Today we are going to get rain, hopefully to wash the "muddies" away!
I love your new Blog headline.
Spring will cometh eventually - mother nature teases us though doesn't she?
It was 72 degree's in Georgia. Today we are going to get rain, storms, and high winds. Never a dull moment.
I think we should put rolling in the mud on our Bucket List ...
Oooo, we would love some spring-like weather! Mum wants to garden so badly - she looks out the window with a wistful look on her face. Could you send your weather this way please?
Love, Dozer, Dottie and Cooper
the only thing cuter than a corgi's too cute smiling face is the 'corgi butts wiggle', thanks for the visual-enjoy your little spring break:)
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