Coloradolady is hosting Vintage Thingie Thursday once again. Please check her site for more entries of vintage items posted across the country and beyond. This old wooden bed has seen many a dolly and stuffed animal in its day. Buster, my daughter April's cat made it his "fat cat bed" as well. My folks gave me this bed when I was around four. That was 53 years ago.
When April was around two, I painted the sides with tube paints, remember those, to make it her own. Her aunt made a doll bed sized quilt for it. Emmy, was two on February 7th, and April gifted it to her baby girl. She almost painted over her name, but didn't have the heart to do it. The quilt is the one her aunt made over thirty years ago.
It may be vintage, but there is still plenty of fun left in this old bed. Still a soft place for dollies to land. Still room for a cat or two. If April can keep Emmy out of it.
PS/ the retro kitchen in the background that several of you have commented on was Em's Christmas gift from Santa this year! She loves it, and is stirring something up in her little kitchen all the time.
What a sweet little dolly's bed..it looks as new :)
Awww, I love the baby that is playing with that cute bed. You have a treasure in both. I hope Emmy will pass this cute bed down to her daughter one day,
Yep I remember the tube paints. You did a great job writing with them.
Looks to me like a whole wonderful vintage kid-sized house you got over there. Love the bed, quilt and seeing your granddaughter playing house!
You lucky Grama you! Seeing your precious Emmy playing with the bed and quilt must bring back so many memories of April to you! I actually have totes in my attic marked"IF I ever get to be a Grandma" Sigh!
Hey Sista...someone asked in my bloggie the other day ...Where is your Sister? Is she ok?Grin...Wink,Wink...I did not tell her you were probably recovering from a romantic weekend, or out buying a new sander...or LOL...hiding from the other Sistas, flail! Happy Day to you! Today..giggle...giggle...I am TRYING to be a Good sista, ALTHOUGH...my guilt may have got the best of me (talking behind sista's bloggy back) You don't think Dear Holly was talking about ME do you?
Extra hugs for you today as an apology for ...lol...trying to make you look like the GUILTY one!
That is soo sweet! Your granddaughter is so adorable. I love the dolly bed and wish I had one from my childhood :)
Oh this is just adorable!! I bet there are a lot of fond memories associated with that bed. It is the memories in life that really make us who we are!! Thanks for sharing.
That is so sweet.
How great is that to have such a wonderful piece to hand down... And it still is a fun toy for sweet little Emmy... Loved your post today...
what a sweet bed and so many wonderful memories. Thanks for your comments about the submissions, no matter if they like them or not, I'm glad I sent them in to somerset. blessings...Sherry
I treasure old things like that little bed as well. Mr. Wonderful has some child-sized chairs from when he was small -we don't have a place to display them right now, but they are stored away. Can't bear to part with them!
Oh...that's adorable. Your little granddaughter is cute as a doll herself!
The doll bed is neat. :)
But I spy in the background a totally awesome red vintage kitchen set that I want!
I love the way of your writing.it is like suspense is hidden in every word of yours.
Aah, how sweet! The picture is a treasure. I remember a similar wooden bed in my kindergarten room for playtime. In fact, Pottery Barn Kids have a wooden kitchen that is almost identical to the one at school.
I love the little bed...what a treasure. Happy VTT..have a lovely weekend.
p.s. I remember the tube paints. We used to do pillowcases, tea towels..etc. with them. I was kinda small, but still was allowed to paint..I loved it.
This is so sweet that you still have this little bed. I loved this. I had to laugh out loud at the photo above your post...funny....sorta goes along with my towel I posted today! Have a great day.
The doll bed is perfect for a little girl! I still have my doll bed from almost 60 years ago. I just posted it on my blog header with my Mom's antique doll from 1920 sleeping in it. I love doll beds and doll quilts!
What a special treasure to pass from generation to generation.
Adorable little dolls bed. So sweet
that you can let Emmy play with it
with her dolls! ♥
it's very cute to come home and see both cats curled up in that bed, along with the several dolls & stuffed animals that sleep there too! Em is always adjust the "blankie" for them.
Some toys are just perfect, and really stand the test of time. How fun to see a third generation enjoying the doll bed!
Aww, what a sweet dolly bed, but that little girl is even sweeter :0)
Tube paints I remember. What about Tri-Chem Liquid Embroidery? My mom and aunts were into that!
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