Of course, a senior cup of coffee was in order, and the corgis wanted to have their lookey-loo at the various farm animals.

We moved on to the next farm on our daily jaunt, and found that farmer guy had brought back the flock of white faced sheep, and opened the door to the hen house! Oh what fun! The sheep, always in flock mentality, stared across the field wondering what the joyful yips were all about coming out of the Malibu.

The little lady hens were running in circles and pecking at the ground, while rooster guy slowly strutted his stuff in the sunshine, bleaching out his feathers I guess. When they stretched their wings out and flapped, it caught the corgis eye.
Sunshine makes everything, and everybody feel good....please, nice Mother Nature lady....may we have more?

It sounds beautiful there today, thanks for sharing it here. We've been running the AC here, the weather is warm but not horribly hot yet. There are no farm animals to be found, but my Brina went over to "the other side of the fence" to visit Allie- that's as close as we get to visiting a farm!
Well it sounds as pretty there today as it was here last week. It's been raining here since Thurs. Sun trying to come out. Glad you enjoyed your ride. Have faith summer is on the way,..lol...and down south we'll be wishing for winter again...
Remember the commercial - "It's not nice to fool mother nature" - wonder why I thought of that today?
It sounds as lovely there as it was here :) the sun was shining the temps above (Celsius) and people were in such great moods.
Spring is almost here my friend. Thank you for your kin words and encouragement in my blog. I am enjoying it and look forward to blogging and photo blogging away.
So looking forward to some warmth - snowing here:)
I like how you write, dearie...a lovely post! Glad spring is attempting to arrive at last.
You mean, they didn't try and CHASE the hens?!
We had a beautiful day today as well, but no signs of green yet. The ground is still frozen solid, snow is still in my circle garden, but I did get some raking done (not the entire woods, mind you - just around my little camp fire area, and around the little hay barn! I did rake up inside the dog kennel that used to be my hen's enclosure at night (rest her soul - I still miss Tina 3 months after her passing!) The pen will be used by Herbie, my Giant Chinchilla (rabbit, not a real chinchilla!) for his exercise pen. I put him in it yesterday after I freshened the litter inside the little plastic barn that used to be Tina's home. He was happy as could be, and even let me use the curry on his winter furries, to help slick them off! Yep, spring will be here soon. It is time!
Found my way here from Penniwig's. I'm also an arthritic boomer and think your blog is great!
Love the farm animals! I am craving that nice weather. It's supposed to reach almost 60 here today and I can't wait. I'll be working, but just knowing it's nice outside will make me smile.
Have a super day!
Yesterday I too finally got the chance to enjoy the weather! The tulips are peeking up,Spring may finally be arriving here in the Midwest! It is going to be 61 today!!!And 70 tomarrow! Sigh...I saw no fun farm animals like you and the corgi's this weekend..only a few stray cats sitting upon my new pillows and cushion covers on my porch! With their muddy little feet...Susan I may have to have you come and bring the Corgi's to rid my yard of these stray cats!
Glad the sun was shining and you had a beautiful day. Wishing you many more sunny days to bring lots of smiles always!
Take Care - Robin
I found you on Sunday Baker's comments section, and noticed you had Corgis! So cool! I have a Corgi named Dandelion. She even has a little blog! Mostly because during her puppy days, I thought my regular blog readers on my family blog might get sick of pics of her! LOL. I just adore her, Corgis are the BEST. IF you want to meet her, her blog is www.dandelioncutestcorgi.blogspot.com
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