Jim left late this morning on a two-week trek to Colorado to pick up his Mom and her golden-Dolly, and bring them both east. They'll stop at White Pines State Park, and visit family and friends near Chicago, before returning here at the end of the month.
We literally cleaned up the rv, and filled it back up again when we got home for this western trip.
The corgi kids and I spent the day working outside, rolling in the grass, and enjoying the sunshine. (Ok, it was NOT me rolling...)I spray painted birdhouses and old chairs getting them garden ready, and breathed in enough fumes to totally congest me.
Did some mulching, moved some fieldstones, and hopefully, tomorrow will plant some seeds. My brother told me to get a concrete mixing tub (it's rectangular in shape, made of heavy plastic and has a flat bottom with side about 8-9 inches high) to plant my veggie garden in, so off to Menard's or Lowe's we will go.
This will be a good time to get many projects done...without any distraction!
Josh will come over to carry things for his mama as needed. Wish we could paint a couple of rooms as well, but that, just may be a little too optimistic and over zealous! Anyway...no matter what we accomplish in that time frame, it will all help.
Also, will get together with as many galpals as possible for a little menopausal therapy over coffee and conversation! We ALL know how important that sort of thing is when fellas aren't around!
Woo hoo, two hubby-free weeks!!! LOL...and plans to enjoy yerself all mapped out, good girl!
I'm wondering about that concrete tub you are going to get for yer garden -- do you plant seeds in it to transplant later or is it going to be something that can hold the mature plants? Is it the thing that goes round and round?
Hubby Free for two WHOLE weeks! Enyoy each and every day.
That concrete tub might be something my grandson and I might look into this weekend.
Birds too - have to keep his mind going this summer.
Sounds like you better slow down girl and pace yourself - no injuries allowed!
2 weeks? UH OH, watch out, Corgi Dog Mama gone wild :) What a clever idea about the concrete mixing tub.
I can't imagine being with out Mr. Wonderful for 2 weeks! He drove semi for 3 mos. for Michigan Produce Haulers, and we both hated it because it would be a whole week when we would not see each other! I would be driving northward, home from work, and I'd see his big purple semi driving south on the opposite E-way to Ohio - we'd wave to each other across the highway divider! So depressing! We would talk on the phone 2 times a day - kind of pricey!
Sounds terrific to me!
Your day sounds great! Have fun with your Corgi kids and galpals!
If I opened a bakery when would I play in my garden, have fun with the grandkids, cuddle my kitties and walk my dogs, not to mention cleaning the house every now and then☺
I'm one of those people who just loves to share!
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