Option A: We accept what we currently have with a smile and a large iced tea.

Or...Option B: As viewed in these photographs.

Now, that I'm way on the wrong side of sixty, I feel that being true to self is important. "I yam, what I yam." Kindness and smiles are to be given away. Women are strong. Men are more vulnerable than we believe. Husbands may come and go...but one thing I know for sure is that I will NEVAH live without a corgi or coffee in my life if I can prevent it. Come piles of dog fur or hot water!
Ahhhh, I pick plan B.....I can stand cold better than heat, at my age and size I look better adding clothes to stay warm, than I look removing clothes to stay cool...lol...(not a pretty sight)
Well it is just now cooling off to 98 at 10:22 p.m.
Tomorrow is going to be a 105 again .
So that snow while it is very foreign to me is starting to look good :)
Thanks for the photos .
Blessings of joy to you .
Happy Trails
Plan A. Not that I want 102 degrees, but I loathe ice and sleet. I save almost all of my vacation time for the winter, so I can escape the cold. It seems worse to me each winter.
I have to go with plan B. I am not enjoying this heat one bit. At least in the cold you can build a fire, snuggle with a pup or two and drink hot chocolate.....I don't really look great removing clothes to try and keep cool....maybe I need to lose some weight!
Dearie, how about a Plan C? Summers in the cool part of the country, and winters in the warm parts? All I need is a measly lottery win to put this plan into action!!!
I agree with Molly,Terry, Coloradolady and like Olde Dame Penniwig's idea the best! Actually, where I live, we RARELY see snow... only once this year for a few hours, so I like the cooler weather instead of the 120's that we CAN get to around here.
This is especially true since we have no air conditioning, and haven't got water yet (4 months now) so we can't use our big swamp cooler to cool the house, still, I LOVE my home out here in the country, and Praise God for it!!!
Linda (OC's Mom)
It's a matter of perspective and where you live. We don't get snow here either - and 97 degrees is miserable. Snow looking good - sorry (lol).
Triple digits here, too, but I'll take plan A over B any time. I don't like to be cold! I do kinda like plan C!
No air conditioning here - only fans. But, even at 90 degrees, I will take this over 20 degrees right now!!! Count your blessings, huh??? Thanks for the reminder!
Sitting at my desk, the first pix brought a refreshing chill across my arms -- thanks!
As the midwest swelters in the heat...nuts huh? As I have drank gallons of iced tea...as I can't make ice cubes fast enough...I say...on with the snow! And I'm going to go out there naked and sit down right in the middle of it! So in conclusion...perhaps it may be better to freeze your butt of...then sweat your butt off....you can ALWAYS put on more clothes to get warm...butt...lol...leaving you with a lovely frightening thought...this is as naked as naked gets sista!
I'll take curtain number two, please☺
After living in Indiana and Illinois for half my childhood, I will take the current conditions.
Karol ;-)
Smart post, snow would kill everything I have growing right now (and I don't like cold weather), however at a heat index of over 100, I have my moments!!! Good thing I don't get to choose:)
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