Another wooly bear cub in the house which smells like wet dog.
Oh well...Jim scratched that project off his honey-do list!
Now, that I'm way on the wrong side of sixty, I feel that being true to self is important. "I yam, what I yam." Kindness and smiles are to be given away. Women are strong. Men are more vulnerable than we believe. Husbands may come and go...but one thing I know for sure is that I will NEVAH live without a corgi or coffee in my life if I can prevent it. Come piles of dog fur or hot water!
Washing one of those Living Dustmops yr so fond of, I see...LOL...ha ha...bless their little doggie hearts, with that low clearance of theirs and that THICK fur I bet they do get dusty! I wish me olde dogs didn't look at me so reproachfully when they were bathed...we can't even bathe them now that they are so olde, we just wipe them off with myriad babywipes, and they act like we are pinching them with hot pinchers the whole time...
Jake is so cute. He is the same color as one of OC's pups, Knight, was. I'll have to try to remember to email you a pic of him... only he got the short hair like BG.
Bathing in the tub, huh, I heard that if you get a hairball clog, you should dump some "Nair" hair remover down there and it clears it right up. I've never tried it, but it sounds like it ought to work.
We have a big old claw tub in our back yard that we use and it drains out into some of our plants, so no pipes to clog, if we don't just use the hose. OC's Mom
Cute picture, and all Corgi lovers know very well about clogged drains from their fur babies!! Tomorrow Sassy goes to the groomer - she has a power dryer that will blow all her dust bunnies away! Sassy blows coat worse than the other girls do!
Whew...so glad that is off the HONEY-do list...AND NOW......
(Before 3 Meno-pausal Sista's STRIKE)
Jimmy dear.....
PLEASE FIX this !@$%! computer so Sista Susan can Comment on our blogs!
Rumor has it she can not comment on a few blogs! There-fore Penniwig and I have the opportunity for call for back-up IF we need it......
Now once again my DEAR JIMMY (ooops...sorry Susan)please.....
Don't make us come-down there....
Oh...IN REGARDS TO...and...In Addition to previous Comment:
Susan...Mention to dear Jim....
IF he thought FUR was flying during Jakes tubby tub...he ain't seen nothing yet..AND he best stop panting and start RUNNING....
The word is out......
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