My mom is here this week. We've been cooking things we ate when we lived at home. 'Sketti with tomatoes and sharp cheddar, butternut squash, lots of hot tea. We hope to build a fire and roast hotdogs one evening with Josh. We had a big meatloaf, hashbrown casserole, steamed spinach and swiss chard Sunday dinner. It's been fun, and dare I say...ahem, delicious!
PS....she'll be 93 the first week in April...amazing, eh?
This looks like a delish recipe for mac and cheese, go visit!Baked Mac & Cheese
I love macaroni and cheese entirely too much! Thank'ee for the link to a good recipe!
Your mom looks amazing. Glad you are having a nice visit together.
Nothing like the home-cooked foods of a person's youth! Hashbrown casserole just sounds delightful this time of year especially!!!
So fun to have your mom over, I bet! I enjoy every moment I spend with mine!!! Cooking up old home favorites would be a blast - sometimes my mom and I fix cabbage rolls - a whole mess of them! THen we freeze some so we can enjoy the taste months later - and remember the fun we had making them!
Have a wonderful and yummy visit with your mom. So glad that you can spend time together. Getting cooler here, but not one leaf has turned. Please leaves turn soon!
First of all, I can't believe you've got your yard all ready for winter....but your inspiring me... and second, the food sounds great, and now I'm hungry....and third, your mom is adorable....she certainly don't look 92....she looks spry.....that's a good thing, and it sounds like your having fun with her...time goes so swiftly, and don't forget to jot down some of her tales....I sure do wish I would have remembered to do that with my mom and dad....it wasn't important while they were alive, but it seems to be now...
I do love fall, and I went out to cut my grass for the last time (I hope) but my new lawn mower broke.. and grass is tall....and it looks like a picture frame, for I cut around about 3 times in a square, and all the long grass is in the middle....it's kind of cute....LOL...ok, maybe not... judy
I thought I'd let you know that you did inspire me to go out and work in the yard....and I tried the lawn mower again, and it worked. Got 3 beds cleaned out filling two large trash bags....So thank you Corgi.....LOL It felt good to accomplish something...
You have been a busy busy girl!
Your mom looks so sweet. And cooking all the old recipes with her - what a memory you will have.
Love mac and cheese - thanks.
I'd like some heads to roll here!
what a cute little picture of Gram! How ever did you get her to smile for the camera like that? Man...you are making me want to take a trip to Indiana to partake in some of my favorite Mom/Gram foods!
Your mother is beautiful! She doesn't look a day over 60!
Loved the ending you left on my blog....
Your Mom is so beautiful and you are so blessed to have her there with you. Sounds like you are having a yummy and fun week, and you are so sweet, you deserve it!
It is starting to cool down nicely around here, and I'm getting the itch to get out and work on the yard, too.
Love Mom's and their home-cooked food and recipes that are just plain wonderful! Have fun! Enjoy!!!
Oh man...I missed the visit with Corgi Grammy....she looks delightful! And how did I ever miss the mac and cheese! I also may be needing her reipe fir the hashbrown casserole! Hope you and Mom had a wonderful time!
Oh...and since your yard is fall ready...how about drivin down and helpin me out here? Shucks...I just took down the 4th of July stuff!
I'm gaining weight just reading your blog! Love the festive overhaul on it too! My hips, rear and belly are screaming
Mac n' cheese!
Mac n' cheese! and
Oh Wait!
Pumpkin Pie Filling too. . . . .
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