Doh! Today we went to Campbell's Pumpkin Patch and saw the pygmy goat "kids" and their mamas. One came over and wanted to be rubbed and rubbed, while the others were touch me nots. So dang cute. There was a field full of burros as well, with the crosses on their backs, seven in all. More dang cuteness.
The problem? No stinkin' camera. PB was there, the corgis were there...but no camera. Sigh...yet another menopausal moment. While at Walmart though, I took the time to note which parking lane the car was in. Felt so empowered, and smart....briefly!
Anyhoo....PB had a grand day...but it was not meant to be filmed for your pleasure.
The time has come for Pink Baby to pack up, and get the heck outta Dodge. One of you kind readers will need to be the first to comment and volunteer to be the next host family for her pinkness.
Miss Kylie has the rules stated on her blog, and we must follow them. You may want to go visit there, to read them over, before signing on and inviting PB to come over and play at your house.

So, you decide...if you'd like little Pink Baby to visit, let me know! She's good company, is well behaved, and has a story to tell via her scrapbook which travels with her. She's been to NY, KY, TN, MI, Singapore, OR, and now IN. Want to add your state?
I'd love to show her around! I'm sure she'd become great friends with Gibson! :)
Sorry you forgot your camera - would have liked to see more of Pink Baby at your house this week! So, Kelly will be the next foster for Pink Baby? Congrats, Kelly and Gibson!
That week went by so fast! I am sure she will have fun wherever she goes!!
Hard to beat those cute little corgi's. I know you will all miss her.
Loved the pics you DID get on this post! Would have loved to have seen the little goats and the burros, too. (OC's Mom)
I'm not to keen on pygmy goats as it was a nasty pygmy goat that crushed me up against a wall, but little burros might be interesting! OC
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