What a glorious autumn day we had in northeastern Indiana today! Folks were out and about in shorts and tees, and motorcycles were everywhere. At our house, I had the lawn mower gassed up and running for one last time...at least, it better be the last mow of the season. (I'd be very thankful dear Mother Nature if this could be so!) Anyway, if ever there be an Indian Summer day, today, surely, must have been ours!
My mother-in-law's house is empty now, and all of her belongings are in the moving van. She's leaving the Colorado mountains, and coming to our small town, as she needs the lower altitude due to some breathing problems. She'll move right across the alley from us, so we will be back door neighbors! We're all looking forward to this, and having family close by will be a treat for us. (I'd be real thankful if their trip East was safe and not too grueling please.)
Josh came over for lasagna and fresh green salad with pomegranate seeds and green onion, and yeast rolls. It was delish, and he went home a happy camper with a full belly, and a dish to heat up for tomorrow.
I got the screens off the windows and windows washed, and I'm thankful to have had the energy today to make the food, mow, and do windows too. The corgis played chase and ball in the backyard, enjoying the sun. My daughter flew home safely following a week in Portland, Oregon, for her work.
We're all thankful for the lovely Saturday that we had.
It could have gone another way...but it didn't. Thankee!
Looks like you have lots of things to be thankful for! We had a nice Indian Summer today too! It was great! We went for a mule ride and enjoyed all of the scenery. Our weatherman says we will have another Indian Summer day tomorrow! Thank God! I love those types of days.
Corgi Momma...you are so right..it was truly a beautiful Midwest day! Although I did not rake leaves (hoping they blow to Indiana) I did enjoy the weather! Lots to do here today...like wait for Monday! Hugs and Happy Indian Summer!
Great things to be grateful for in your life that is for sure... Now here is the all important question. Pomagranate seeds... I had my first pomagranate the other day... We got it opened ok and got all the seeds out. Now the questions is do you eat that little white seed indide the yummy goodness around it? Please let me know I was in love with the taste but not sure about the inner seed. I am praying for your MIL to have a safe and non gruelling trip. Have super day and enjoy your weather!
Seems things are well up your way. I'm thankful for that!
That salad you and Josh ate sounds mighty interesting...the pomegranite seeds...
It's a beautiful day here in Georgia too. Glad you were able to clean the windows.
Hope your MIL gets in safe.
It was lovely in OHio too! Looks like a lot of us were blessed with a wonderful fall day. We deserve it after the crummy September!
So... You say Thankee, too! I do that all the time and it drives Robert crazy... He always comes back with "Welcee!) Sounds like a really nice day to get some things done. I gather your hubby is gone a lot driving truck? Mine used to do that for the first 30+ years we were married, but a couple of years ago, he was blessed with a great job with a Christian Boss and he works around here, rarely having to work on oilwells on the coast for a couple of days, and I sometiems get to go on those trips (with a corgi or two) now that I'm retired.
I've got a bunch of pomegranites from a friend and I think I'll try putting some of them in my next salad... That sounded pretty good!
What kind of dressing do you use with the pomegranate seeds? I tried them once but I'm not sure I liked them but I'm willing to give them another go.
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