Summing it Up...

Now, that I'm way on the wrong side of sixty, I feel that being true to self is important. "I yam, what I yam." Kindness and smiles are to be given away. Women are strong. Men are more vulnerable than we believe. Husbands may come and go...but one thing I know for sure is that I will NEVAH live without a corgi or coffee in my life if I can prevent it. Come piles of dog fur or hot water!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Butter and vanilla...yum!

. "Twas cookie baking day at the ol' Corgi Cottage. The sky was blue, and the sun shone on this crisp December day.

The annual cookie-fest made the house smell of butter and vanilla, and the heat from the oven made the elves cheeks rosy.
Josh had a ball cutting out his buttery concoction into Christmas shapes. We had carols playing on the radio, and the corgi kids were underfoot, knowing that good smells usually means delicious treats!

Addie heard the whirr of the digital camera and took off to her hidey-hole under the desk. She's camera shy for some reason. My MIL joined us for a chili and spinach dip & crackers lunch break. Her golden, Dolly, and the two corgi kids each ate a too browned cookie, much to their delight. We also made up a batch of cinnamon sugared (egg white) nuts (almonds and walnuts). I put my stash in the freezer to avoid temptation until closer to the holidays. Josh is taking a batch to work with him tomorrow for the break room; has a plate to devour for himself, and will freeze a large container for the grocery store's carry-in on Christmas eve.
Another holiday chore...checked off!


Coralie Cederna Johnson said...

My Bonnie is camera-shy too but she just barks and barks instead of hiding! The fragrance of new cookies though I'm sure would have her out and bouncing with joy! Butter and vanilla...yum! Hugs, Coralie

ocmist said...

Just about made my blood sugar raise just reading about those cookies! I've been thinking about using some of the recipes I've been reading about, but don't know if I could resist EATING them!

Our dogs are just the opposite! Especially Dott... whenever she hears the camera going on, she stops whatever she's doing (which is usually what we want to take a picture of) and poses!

Angela said...

I need to start checking my list and getting some things done on it! What a great way to spend the day baking cookies for Christmas! I'm sure everyone will love them as you made them sound so yummy!

Merry Christmas!

Whosyergurl said...

(read in your best Cookie-Monster voice)...YUM,YUM, YUM!
Cheryl in IN

Olde Dame Penniwig said...

I love cut-out cookies, the most old-fashioned and festive of them all! Josh has more patience than I do...I'm all for EATING them, but get antsy making them...always have trouble with the cutters...Santa's foot was always getting left behind and the poor deer often lost its head...

Freya's Human said...

Oh my do i wish I was at your house that day! I'd eat my heart out. I love cookies thats the one thing I haven't made yet in the last few years. I've conquered pumpkin bread and well doggie cookies just no human cookies yet.

Buttercup said...

I can smell the yumminess all the way to New York. Would have loved to join you for what sounds like a perfect day.

Sarah said...

Mmmmm...sounds yummy!!

Ms Sparrow said...

I have forsaken the cookie baking this year because if I make, I eat them. My Dr has been on my case about my blood sugar so no powdered sugar coated snowball cookies for me! Sigh...

ClassyChassy said...

Your cookies look great - home made? Or store bought dough? I used to help my X-mother in law frost a zillion of them each Christmas! She passed years ago, but I loved her very much and have fond memories of her especially at the Holiday times (but not fond memories of my X-husband - at ANY time of year!)

April said...

sure wish Em and I could have joined in the cookie fest! I can smell them baking now!! Yum!

Y'all come back now...

Y'all come back now...

Everyone is special, and counts!