The WORST thing about this whole menopausal thing is that a good night's sleep is nonexistent when one is living in Menopauseland.
Why...when one has to "get up" to empty a bladder...does the brain kick in, blocking more sleep?
High gear is what my brain shifts into at 3 a.m. Just about every night. It's the only time of the day it actually works efficiently. The rest of the day, I'm in a fugue.
Anyway, while my brain is working....here are some of my deep thoughts.
1.) Is there anything more delicious to the senses than a room temperature orange? Think about it...the juiciness; the scent; the flavor. God had his thinking cap on when He designed fruit!
2.) Since our economy has been hit so hard...donations to charities have surely dropped. While we may not be able to donate monatarily any longer; the gift of gently used clothing and household items, canned food to a local food pantry, or old towels to an animal shelter still makes an impact to those who need them.
3.) My daughter wants me to make a trip to North Carolina....that would be a DOG FREE visit. She used the old, "Emmy wants to see her Grammy, and I want to see my Mom" trick. "Mom, they ARE DOGS!!"
What a dilemna! I love them...but my corgis.......well!!! What's a dog mama to do?
I never said that any of these thoughts were earth shaking in the cosmos realm of things..........he hee!
Hey Corgidogmama! I say jump in your RV and head on down to North Carolina! You can have your mother in law take care of your babies if she's not going. If she is going bring em along! hehehe I don't know why your daughter doesn't want you to bring them. I have to leave my at a kennel when we go on vacation. I found a vet who has one at his office. They call me every day and update me on how well she is doing. And they give her a complimentary bath the day I pick her up!
Hope you get some sleep tonight!
I have not gotten decent sleep, well, EVER!!! I so want a night of rest!!! Like you say, the brains starts whirring in the wee hours...ha ha long gone are the "whee" hours...lol...sumthin' else to think about...
I don't know what to think about that "No Corgis Served Here" rule yer daughter is trying to cook up...
You are so right about the wonderfulness of oranges! Sorry to hear about the insomnia. I know how it can take the pep out of your life. Have you tried Benadryl for sleep?
I have to agree, my mind kicks into gear as soon as my bladder does, at 1:30 am, 3 AM and again at 5:30 am, there is no such thing as emptying it and going back to sleep. I haven't slept solid in years...
When Lance and TT come see us they leave their babies at her Mom's or the Vets...DH doesn't allow pets in the house...ChiChi is the only dog in 48 yrs that has entered our house.
I agree go see your Daughter and Granddaughter and give the Corgi's a mini vacation of their own.
What is with these people who think that any kind of fun can be had without Corgis? I think they might make a pill for what ails your daughter!!! For pete's sake!!!
In my defense....Emmy breaks out in a rash when the dogs lick her, and the house got infested with fleas the last time the dog came for a visit. It took a year to clear them out!!!
I love my Mama, but don't love the consequences of her cute little corgi in our house!
OH, my goodness... Sounds like my kids, and they were all raised around dogs and have dogs of their own! I think they are just totally jealous of the way that I love my corgis! Most of them live out of state, and I have to fly to see them, so, with Robert here at home, I have someone to leave them with, and can't really afford to fly them on the plane with me, but I miss them SO BAD when I'm gone!
I usually take pictures and keep them in my Bible so that I can look at them at night where the kids won't see me missing them! I don't know WHY they can't understand that I can love them AND the corgis TOO! THEY are the ones that left ME! and that's as it should be, but why can't they understand that I still need something to love that is WITH me!!!
Goodness, this whole post just hit home with me. I, too, am up at all hours... it's 3:05 a.m. as I write this, and I have to go to the bathroom again, too!
So many of my friends are on here and feel like you and I do... It helps, somehow, to know that others feel the way we do!!! I just want to give you a big old hug for understanding ME!!! Linda
OMG -- that's what's going on in my neck of the woods! All of a sudden, bladder kicking in at 1:30, 3:30 and 6-ish, then the dogs get up, then they've got to go out, then there's stuff on my kitchen counter needed to be put away, then there's . . .
That sure is a tough call. The last time I left my dogs I made sure that they were in a safe and clean environment with an excellent reputation. My primary concern was that they be in good health when I picked them up and that while I was gone they were safe. I even interviewed the staff and took a tour before I let my baby furballs stay there!
That little girl is only going to be a little girl once. GO! Just make sure the dogs are safe and GO! And when you leave shut off your mind and only think about your grandchild!
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