When I read that our dear ol' Penniwig was calling it a day with her blog, it stunned me and knocked my socks off. It also got me thinking about something whirling around in the back of my brain, sort of like a hamster in a wheel.
You all have opened up this small town gal's world. You've made me think, you've made me laugh. You've given helpful tips and taught me how to do/make something new.
We've shared our lives, our hopes, and failings. It's been wonderful.
Like Penniwig, I'm going to hang up my blogging hat. Your blogs will still be followed by, and read by me daily. I will comment and stay in touch. My creative juices have run their course, and my posts are flat. The fat lady has sung, so it's time to go.
The blog will stay on Blogger, and if you choose to stay in touch via email...terrific! You can always comment on an old post.
So...take care everyone. Hugs and blessings to all of you.
Remember: Butt jiggle is my little way of waving GoOdByE !
Say it isn't so! We will miss you, dear Corgi Dog Mama. I've really enjoyed your posts.
I'm with Ms. Sparrow, and please, please say it isn't so. Have so enjoyed spending time with you. Please keep stopping by Buttercup's and maybe an email or two. Hugs and best wishes and many thanks for your friendship.
Oh no!!! :(
I think alot of us wear down..... blogging has been taken over by facebook and twitter..you can keep things short and sweet, but it's not the same....I love my blogging friends....you will be missed, even though I've been sort of lax in checking in, I knew you guys were around....and I do hope you have a wonderful life....if you open up another blog or so, let me know....and thank you for being my blogging friend..... judy
Hate to hear this :(
Our friend Holly has not left blogdom just moved on to another blog. You could revamp too. You make the cutest cards and are very capable in that department. Why not try a challenge or two and post some of your work!
Sorry to see you go - you gave me my blogging start! I read in the paper the other day that many are getting tired of Face Book, My Space, and Twitter. They neglected to say that many are leaving Blog Land as well, but it stands to reason. Hope you will still email me from time to time. I'll miss reading your posts! **hugs**
WTF you corgi nut!!!
If I don't see you on BannerHaus, there's going to be a whole lotta flailin' going on...I'll email you...new idea for net socializing WITHOUT the blog drama...*hug* (I never hug...see how much I care?)
Just stay in touch...that's all I ask. I really enjoy your visits so much! Have a great day and kiss that Corgi on the nose for me! Hugs, Coralie
Hey Corgidogmama!
You can't give it up completely! Just take a blogging break! We will miss you! I was hoping to hear about your travels through West Virginia again!
This is AWFUL! I may take a while, but I always get back here sooner or later! At least I can maybe go back and catch some of your earlier posts and, like Betty (A S. CA Corgi) you might just take a couple weeks break and then come back. I know it gets hard if it is done to many times a week. I try to get in 2-3 blogs per blog (I have 4... 3 main ones) and THAT is getting difficult. I may cut back to only 1 or 2 a week on the Proverbs and Country Grammy ones, because I do need to spend some time on my art and (yeck!) my house...
I DO hope that we can keep up with email and maybe you can let me know if you decide to post again even if only sparingly. Linda
This is AWFUL! I may take a while, but I always get back here sooner or later! At least I can maybe go back and catch some of your earlier posts and, like Betty (A S. CA Corgi) you might just take a couple weeks break and then come back. I know it gets hard if it is done to many times a week. I try to get in 2-3 blogs per blog (I have 4... 3 main ones) and THAT is getting difficult. I may cut back to only 1 or 2 a week on the Proverbs and Country Grammy ones, because I do need to spend some time on my art and (yeck!) my house...
I DO hope that we can keep up with email and maybe you can let me know if you decide to post again even if only sparingly. Linda
I'm going to miss you and the Corgi kids ....
wow! i'm surprised! i love reading your blog, Ma!
Well, I have to tell you the truth - I've kind of noticed that you weren't 'postin' and 'writin' much the past couple of months - I thought this might happen.
I am so sorry and so sad to see you go. I think you brought some fun and thinking into my life.
I think you started things off for me too.
This really makes me sad.
Best wishes and I will miss you.
You can't do that! Post once a month. I'll miss you!
BTW, why don't I make the dog cookies to sell them? Because I need my time to make them for various charities that I support☺
Send me your address and I'll send you some - on me! My email addy is in my about me spot on my blog so you can send me your address personally and no through a public blog.
I just can't believe we've lost 2 great blogger friends in 2 days. I will hate to see you go. I will keep in touch on face book.
And maybe, just maybe you will decide to come back and join us. I too have had times I have thought about giving up, but after a little rest, I think of something else to say. I think I would continue to blog, just for me, if no one came by, it's like doing a journal.
We will miss your sweet comments and wit.
Wait a minute here Sista...I have not sung! I refuse to sing when I hear such news!!!!! Two of my BESTEST blog Sistas...gone? Say it ain't so Sista! THIS is not good....
Ok all this from the blog Sista that hardly ever posts I know...but it ain't right!!!! How will I stop in and throw the Cogi Gals a treat? How will I pick on you...see what dear MIL is up to...see where the FREE coffee is? How will I give love to your Jimmy!
This is just NOT WRITE...get it WRITE?
Now look at what you've done here Sista...Jalina Rose and Grammy are crying...and talking about precios (no not us crying silly) talking about our Gran-babes.....how will we watch Emmy and know what fun lies ahead for Jalina Rose???????
That is it??? Hmmmmm....We are out on a limb here...all we have left is Twitter? Well we will continue to pester YOU with our love...WE...lol...know where you live...we may just put on our snow boots and travel over there..... Hook up our imaginary Corgis to our sled...and MUSH right over there!
Just to let you know we intend to contact the authorities...we are NOT sure yet...but WE are going to tell someone IMPORTANT about this...it can not be? Where have all my besest buddies gone??????
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