They were in a mood.....
They wouldn't pick the name of the giveaway winner....
they'd sniff and walk away....
Bribery didn't work.....
Cursing didn't work.....
Threats of no walks, or car rides didn't work....

So, their daddy did it.
He chose the name of the winner....
He was walking out the back door enroute to the post office to apply for a passport..........
He fluffed up all the names that were on the floor, pre-sniffed and ignored by the corgi kids......
and drew.....
this gal, that we all know, who resides deep in the heart of.....
Holly, the old western gal, formally Penniwig....
Now, I'm off to kick some corgi butt!
Oh, those persnickety pups! LOL Congrats, Holly!!!
Woohoo! Good for Holly. But cut the congis some slack--after all, it's Monday.
Good heavens!
THANKS JIM, I OWE YOU!!! Next time yer in my part of Texas, you got a big chicken-fried steak dinner coming to ya!
Yee haw!
Guess they were waiting for a better bribe from you! ;)
Congrats to Holly!
Congrats to Holly - lucky duck! sandie
congrats to Holly and I think you should make them Corgi babies stand in the corner for
Congrats to Holly - and to those worthless Corgis - shame on them! They're just like MINE!
Congratulations to Penniwig!
It is shedding season! Those doggies probably think they are doing enough with all of that hair just falling off of them!
Holly, can I have a chicken fried steak dinner, too? :-)
Congratulations on the win, Holly! Mmmm... Stubborn corgis? NEVER! I wouldn't know any stubborn corgis....(Yeah... riiiigghhtt...!) Linda
They must have gotten up on the wrong side of the bed, or your bribes weren't big and juicy enough. Can you say, T-BONE? OC & the CCC
Hi! Talked to you at the liberry today. Name of yarn shop is The Shuttle Shop. Very small but if she does not have it; she can order it. Go to the website and check it out!
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