Although snow, I hope, like this is behind us...I just want to say to MS. Nature:
"No more of this kind of crap for at least a year please!
It's time for nesting birds, and daffodils.
No more wild more bad moods....
It's hear????" what we have more in mind please~
Way to tell her Corgidogmama! If Mother Nature doesn't cooperate than we will have to get the corgi's after her!
We have finally had some wonderful breezes floating here..I am packing it up and adding in a dash of sunshine,and mailing it your way.It should be arriving soon...Stay warm Friend,The breeze is on its way!!Hugs-Cat
Tell her for Georgia too! I'm more then ready. Is that your house in the snow?
You go girl.
Oh dear...spring is acting pretty wild this fair! Especially since you live through those long, long winters! Come on, spring!!!
We'll get there soon. Should be 70 this week, until Friday - then back to about 60, I hear!
You tell 'em, Gal! It's as if the next season is hovering just out of sight, teasing and tantalizing us.
I grabbed your No Awards graphic. I whole-heartedly agree with that sentiment. I realize others are trying to be nice by passing along awards, but I find it embarrassing.
Thanks for your support!
Way to go corgidogmama! It's still chilly here but at least that white stuff is gone for the most part. Supposed to be warmer the end of the week. We'll see. I've heard that before....
I'm definitely ready for spring!!! It's 30 degrees out this morning but supposed to get to 70. I think that's a sign that spring is on its way!
No jinxes, please. I would love to see my magnolia bloom instead of frost-bitten!!! The daffies are finally doing their thing, horses are shedding...
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