But....her teeth are so awful...so discolored...nasty. Ahem, a mama hates to admit this about one of her furkids....but....believe me, the corgi dog tooth fairy would skip our house if she ever lost a tooth!
Anyhoo....what do you other corgi moms do about your kids teeth? Do you brush them?
Something has to be done, her gums are starting to look bad. Am I going to have to bite the bullet and take her in again and let the vet tech do a serious cleaning and them go from there? Please comment and let me know what you'd do.
Here's the face I get when I trim her dewclaws. Since she was going to be used for breeding from her previous owner, but never went into heat, which is why she was given to us....they did not remove her dewclaws. It's a bother I must say to keep them trimmed.

(My photo date thingie is off by six years for some reason. It happened when I changed the batteries in the camera. Anyone know how to totally remove the date from photos?)
Yesterday Jim and I trimmed back a couple of trees in the back yard. A redbud and maple were trimmed, and an annoying, bird planted six foot cedar tree was removed totally. Ahhh more sunshine in the flower beds and room now to do my straw bale gardening. More on that later. We added new river rock on each side of the back door, and stocked up on my gardening needs at Menard's. We were SO pleased to see the little American flag on many, many packages there. Menard's is trying to stock as many American made products as possible, we were 'totally' impressed! It's a huge store in the next town eighteen miles away. Jim put a doorbell up last night and fixed the latch on the front door. His honey-do list is shrinking! What a good boy!
I try to brush Gibson's teeth once a week. It's not that bad. I use "Kissable" brand toothpaste and Gibson loves it. It smells like a minty vanilla. The brush I use is one of the three-sided ones that is supposed to make it easier to reach all sides of their teeth. I usually make one pass through all of his chompers and then let him do the rest by just chewing on the brush :) He loves it!
Maybe let the vets clean them one more time and then start from there? Is there ANY chew toy you can get her interested in, such as those rope chews or maybe one of the huge Milkbones? If she will play tug-of-war with the rope toy, it will help clean her teeth...
Hummm, I don't have to worry about ChiChi's teeth, she will chew on anything plastic (that she's not suppose too) or milk bones.
Doesn't it feel good to get some work around the house done and to watch the Honey-Do list shrink.
Hope you have a good week.
I swear by these
These cleaned up Dozer's teeth within a week. He gets one each morning after breakfast (as do all the other dogs) and he has clean white teeth and almost no tartar.
Can't help you with the teeth - why not try brushing?
I think I'd try Dozer's Mom's idea... In fact, I think I probably WILL check them out for OC. Ours do quite a lot of chewing on the bones, chews, etc. that I get them so they really aren't to bad.
I know that a lot of people DO brush their dog's teeth, but they'd have to be cleaned to begin with because once the tartar hardens, simple brushing is not going to work with Addie if she's already got a problem. How old is she? Is in good health otherwise? I don't know that I'd take the chance if she's already got problems.
That's interesting that she never came into heat. I'd wondered about that with Corgis, as Mist, only used to come in once every 11-13 months, and so did OC.
I love that "face" she makes at you. OC HATES having her claws done!
Doesn't it feel good to be getting things done around the house and property? What a wonderful guy you've got yourself!
Email me on the camera thing if you don't figure it out... Robert might be able to tell you if your camera is close to ours. Linda
My oldest Corgi, Sissy, had infected and bleeding gums when we got her from the puppy mill. She was 12 back then. She had a tooth removed when I took her in for a dental. I didn't like to have her put to sleep for the procedure, but it was necessary because her teeth were so bad and her breath was so foul. The other Corgis love the rope bones - I soak them in chicken bouillon broth, wring them out and give them to the girls to chew on - and they floss and clean the teeth. I would not have enough hours in the day to brush Corgi teeth!
We're looking for you to join our What's Bloomin' Wednesday!!!
It's tough to decide how much a pets teeth are worth. It seems like every time their teeth are cleaned some will be pulled. I guess it's a toss-up between how much the pet's health is suffering vs how well they tolerate the anesthesia. I had a friend whose beloved little dog died from the anesthesia while getting its teeth cleaned.
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