Glorious weekend weather wise here...a bit on the chilly side, but perfect.
Jim made it home for a twenty hour lay over. Just enough time for me to make him a tasty, home cooked, supper and breakfast, do his laundry, pack up food and water for the week. He's on his way to Houston. Look out Holly...Texas has become a weekly trip!
(This majestic flowering crab is right outside our living room window!)
I packed up the corgi kids, went to our local hardware store and bought a light weight electric weed eater, luckily, on sale. Got my senior java, then set off to visit the sheep field. The herd of thirty or so were right up to fence, less than five feet away from the open car windows. They were enchanted/entranced by one calm corgi and one bouncing, yipping, frenetic female, Addie, not me! They don't blink, it's eerie...they just stare, twitching their tagged ears, en masse. Herd mentality is alive and well in sheep. If one runs, they all run. If one stares, they all stare.
Remember the old folks out for a Sunday drive when you were a kid sitting in the back seat, begging the old coots to hurry up and get to nowhere? Lordy...I've become one of them~the old coots, sigh.
I hunt for turtles on logs in swamps, Canadian geese, wild turkey...so many things trip my trigger these days. Today, it was a field stone hunt. The fields are getting plowed in these parts, unearthing these treasures. I keep gloves, buckets, a blanket in the trunk, and wear old shoes...all at the ready, for collection purposes. It's a spring thing...I love 'em...my brother loves 'em, we're just rock people...it's in the genes. Two hours after arriving home, the weed eater was totally broken in, and tired. Me too! Will share with you all tomorrow about my straw bale garden venture this year.
On another note, thank you to Dozer and Coop's mommy, I ordered the C.E.T.Xtra chews that clean teeth, as she recommended, and they are working out very well! The medicinal smell is high, so I banish them to the back yard when they do their chew therapy. Even then, the house smells like a vet's office, as it's on their front paws. I have high hopes for the outcome, and can tell that Addie is chewing away...a rare thing...so it's getting the job done!
I wish you'd convince Jim to get a trip out to MY end of Texas, sheesh, Houston is 2 days' drive from here...wah...
Now, what are these field stones??? Are they actual stones, or fossils, or what???!!!
Glad Jim got home - sorry it was just for 20 hours. And sitting and looking - that's a good thing - we find ourselves when we get older. We find out what is important and we do it. Sandie
what are the chews you talked about? never heard of them before! Glad Jim got home, if only for a few hours. I know what that is like, believe me! Poor guy!
Beautiful picture!
Its so scary when you feel yourself turning into an ol coot! It's been happening to me more and more often!
HA. I love your "I'd rather have puppies..." too funny.
Is hubby a truck driver? It sounds as if you have lots of alone time! I jus loves me some alone time!
hug you,
I'm glad that Jim was home for a spell before having to head out again.
Hmm...I'm curious about the chews. Freya needs help with her teeth. Since she can't chew raw hides...I'm fairly limited on my options.
I cant help it..every time I read your posts I smile..I love the way you write..it's real and warm.I just really wish I could see the sheep and your rock treasures.You inspire me,ya know!Big Hugs,Cat
So, you and the hubby might not be hugging and kissing but the two of you lavish it on the dogs! I am THRILLED to find someone with their priorities in order - YOU GO GIRL!
Well Howdy do over there in Indiana! Ok so I FINALLY stop in for a little hello and bloggin...and here you are talking about stones and weed....Gosh I miss you gals! My Mom is really keeping me crazy...along with a few other things here in life! Jalina Rose is getting smarter and bigger everyday...she loves her Grammy and her Grammy loves her...but of course you all knew that! I'm trying to get to everyones bloggie today...but Howdies and HUGS to all if I don't get to you all today!
Gorgeous tree!
I LOVE rocks too... just ask Robert or Mike! I'm always making them stop to pick up a rock that catches my eye, and they are always teasing me about some boulder we are passing on the side of the road... "Grab her, don't let her jump! Hide her eyes! etc."
Last Sunday as we were leaving for church we heard sheep and the whole hill across the road was alive with them... hardly enough room for the sagebrush! Must have been 500 or more! I didn't have my camera and we were going to be late for church, so Mike wouldn't go back for it :( It was SO INTERESTING! I mean, I see the herds of sheep, the shepherds and their dogs every year all over the hills around here as they graze them through some of the BLM lands, but I'd never seen them on the hill in front of us before, not so MANY of them at one time!
Jim is going to be down near where my daughter lives (just outside of Houston in Katy) I'm so glad you got a chance to see him for a little bit. I lived that way for 32 years. Linda
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