Today, before going into work at one, the corgi kids and I did our daily country road therapy. The sun was so warm, and the sky blue, we were all grinning and panting with our tongues out. A turtle was crossing the road from a marshy area. The radius of its shell was like the size of a ten inch pizza. His head and tail were WAY out...catching rays possibly. As we turned the corner, up on the hill the red horses were out, switching tails and heads were down, chomping on warm new grass peeking through the ground. A young mallard sat on a sunny log as his mate swam in the shallow marsh, surrounded by woods. Turtles line up on that same log later on in the summer, so I always peek in through the trees as we go by. The three sheep are still woolly, as they haven't been sheared yet. One is a little more roly poly than the others and I'm wondering if she's with lambkin. The big black horse is ready to have her baby any time now. She's wide and full, and it looks a little ouchy. The old mare, pushing 28 years old, still looks good, and was busy ripping up the grass along with her buddies in the field. We saw a blue heron in someones pond. I did the window down, and Addie yipped. It took off in flight of course at our intrusion. Their shades of blue and gray are so, so pretty. Their wide wingspan and long legs makes me think that they are prehistoric. Have always loved herons.
I hope, that for your own sanity, and mental respite; you have your own way to reconnect with nature in order to soothe your soul. Life is tough these days. Marriage isn't easy. Financial worries plague many. We all need to find "something" that basks us in peace and quietude. This is what I do. Want to share what you do?
Hey Corgidogmama!
Sounds like you and the corgi kids had a wonderful day driving in the Sun! It is exciting to hear all of the different animals that you see today too!
I live in the country and I love it! It is so peaceful. I could never live in the city again I'm afraid. Even though we live in the country we still enjoy driving around in the country!
Hope you have a Wonderful Easter!
I watch squirrels! April Fool!
How are you?
I sit around and sulk, mostly.
Ha ha. There's too much truth in that!
I like to watch what nature there is out here, too. And watch locomotives, of course.
It is so beautiful down here in Central Mississippi that I have been working and cleaning my yard, setting out plants and breathing in the sweet smell of the wisterias and sweet olives that are in full bloom. I am really enjoying the work I'm able to do in my yard.
Hope you have a great weekend and a very Happy Easter.
I usually stick my nose in a book or turn on the usual TV drivel and knit. Just retreat from the stress-causing dilemna. I do not like confrontations and avoid it with the usual effect--it is just buried, not solved. Sigh.
I need to find time to take a walk - yours sounded delightful!!! Today - after the farrier comes, I am thinking about saddling up Suzy and going for a ride through the woods! It's sure a nice day! Have a great Easter!!!
What a wonderful day and thank you so much for sharing it.Makes me almost feel the sun right along side you and yours.I am grateful for the breeze today,as I am always captivated by its long and soothing arms.It always tags along by my side.. pulling and tugging,..forcing me to see and smell,..graciously offering a precious gift.The breeze,..my way of reconnecting and feeling not only alive,but in the moment.
Warmest Regards,Cat
I ride horses!
Those corgis sure have a great place to romp seeing all kinds of creatures!
I watch the birds fill the houses and watch whatever nature brings to the backyard such as ducks, deer, coyotes, squirrels, geese, rabbits, chipmunks and we even saw a red fox the other day. We live on the edge of a subdivision! Just wish they'd stay out of my flowerbeds! Have a wonderful Happy Easter, corgidogmama!
I've been watching the flowers bloom and enjoying walking in the early evenings. My step even feels a little springier. Wishes for a blessed Easter!
Aaaaahhhh! Your walk sounds wonderful! I hike and enjoy nature and I also sit down at my art table for some creativity. Both, I just feel the stress fall away. aaaaaaaahhhhh!
Spending time outdoors is my joy, also.
Hello Dog Mama.. I'm loving your blog, your dogs and vintage ness. I too am at that stage in life and agree that one must find a way to connect with what's beautiful in life. Hope your visit in late May is all that it should be. That should give your spirits a good bump. One of these days, come to see my sandwich page. I'd be honored to have you as a follower. Keri (a.k.a. Sam)
What a wonderful relaxing drive! I love watching animals, too. I'm with Angela! I love the quiet of country living and would NEVER want to live in a city. In fact I've always felt that way. I was raised in two very small towns and when I married Mike, I told him that I promised to follow him anywhere EXCEPT a big city (He's the same way as me, so that wasn't a problem)
You saw our trip up to the Mountain Creek, so you know how WE like to chill out! Linda
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