Parsley and rosemary are planted in the old bucket. I gather rocks nearly everyday. Yeah, yeah, strange habits, but it's like a fever after a while! These rocks were collected today, and God is washing them for me. They'll be placed around the beds either in front or back, we'll see.

These peonies were taken from our old home place, the house that my folks built in 1960. We all have a rose of sharon bush, or iris, or an old rambler, from home to grace our yards, and remind us of our childhood home.

The St. Francis statue was given to me from my MIL. It went from home to home, beginning in Illinois, then Florida, then Virginia and Colorado. It went where she did. Now it lives in our yard, and I love it!

This is an awkward corner in back of the house. It holds the a/c and my clothesline. It's shady so it's great for ivy, but a wet corner, so I laid river rock to help keep water away from the a/c.

The Florida kids gave us the Grandpa/Grandma sign the last time they were in Indiana, in 2004. They're coming up again in July. We'll see if they remember the sign!
We'll be planting green bean seeds into an old tub on the deck. Carrots were planted in an old enamel wash pan. Pics on that later.
The backyard is full of birds, and with the windows open it's such a joy to hear all of the birdsong. The dove is still living in the planter above the mailbox on the front porch. Her young one is gone, but she remains, and looks me eye to eye, as we chat each day. It's so uncanny...maybe she's roosting on another egg already. Who knows. Only Jim is tall enough to check! Nature, rocks and gardens really trip my trigger and soothe...does it do that for you too?
YAY...first comment!
I love rocks and collect them everywhere I go. Kinda crazy. When I last left my Dad's old homeplace in Losantville when it sold, I searched for the perfect rock to take with me. I wrote a story about it called "The Rock of my Foundation..." That rock sits on my bedside table.
Hey Corgidogmama!
Love what you've done to your yard! Those rocks are really nice and set off your display. I hope you get lots of veggies!
Hello, how are you doing?
You have done so much to your yard! Impressive. Seems like you have an enchanted home going on.
Andy collects rocks too - and we keep them on the front porch - I keep it there to remind me of him.
When I was a little girl we had peonies - they need ants don't they? Good memory.
I'm a rock hound from way back as well! I'm always finding rocks here - there's a ton of them in our woods! Once I thought I would just pop one out, it looked easy enough. Turned out I needed a shovel, Mr. Wonderful, a 4x4, and a snatch strap to get it out! It would have been easier to bury it again, but the mower kept hitting the top of it, so I wanted it outa there! Now, I can sit on it and watch the corgis play! Yes, it's that big!
Hey, is that some moonshine behind the AC in that jug, gettin' nice and mellow?
What a lovely yard you have (when the snow isn't covering it, lol). I do love those field stones, they really add a special and unique touch.
Good luck with your garden! I want to try to grow an herb garden one day when I can designate some yard to do so. But I really need to brush up on my thumb, it isn't so green as it is black.
You've been one busy lady! I will be working out there shortly and need some help if you have any free time. Love the rocks and all and this reminds me that we need to divide the peonies. Have a sunny day!
rocks...i collect rocks...i miss u too
How charming to have a resident dove who likes you. I have a neighbor who hates doves and went to great lengths to keep it from nesting on her deck. Now you, my dear lady, are a gal after my own heart.
Is there any way I could hire you and your hubby to come down and make my back yard look neat and tidy like yours....years ago, when my Jim was alive, this was his favorite time of year....he'd come home from work and out in the garden he would go...it was beautiful...I ordered a weed book on ebay, I thought I could identify some of my weeds, because some are really pretty, but the book came with only print...now how can that help me...LOL so I'm just going to call them my wild flowers....judy
We live over an ancient creek bed and find all sorts of fossils--so far mostly shells. When we were messing with the pond, the excavator pulled out a huge, flat rock that Bill hauled up to the house for me. It sits along the drive with my chainsaw-carved tortoise named Teddy perched atop. I loooove it!
When are you coming over to help me in my yard?I need some serious help...and you have the right touch!!Love all the details..Big Hugs-Cat
I love your rock collection!!
So you are a rock collector, huh? They look great. Love your St. Francis too. Have a happy Mother's Day! xo xo
I love your yard/garden/ etc. I LOVE the rocks all around, too! I still am not sure how the haybale thing works. Does it actually turn the hay itself into a mulch? That is so interesting. My Basil is about an inch high and I've got quite a few small green tomatoes in my Topsy Turvey tomato planter already, too.
I want to plant some more kinds of tomatoes and some peppers, too. You've done such a great job... I hope I can do as well! Linda
We are garden soul sisters. I plant my potatoes in a chicken wire enclose of hay and compost. As it collapses, the plants only get healthier:)
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