Well...July is a busy month...family wise. The North Carolina kids were here early in July, and the Florida kids will be here next week.
Lil' Emmy Lulu, our three year old bundle of fun, loves her 93-yr. old "GG" (Great Gram), her mommy, and to swing. She's a big kid now, and no longer the toddler. She's little Miss I-will-do-it, and fiercely opinionated, hard headed and determined. Hmmm, just like her mama was! I miss my daughter even before she leaves. She's such a calm, successful person. So, NOT, like her own mama.
Sigh...it was great while it lasted.

Why, do kids grow up, leave home, and have their own lives? HOW DARE THEY!!
Only kidding, well sorta, anyway.
Josh came over for the two "big feeds" and to visit with his little Em and his sis.
We caught this updated family photo before the gang took off.

So, next week is Jim's turn. His son and family, including the two grandsons...Jim's cousin, Jim's brother, uncle and wife will all be here for my MIL's 85th b-day party.
Lots of cooking and cleaning to be done! Oh my!
Summer, family gatherings, food, all seem to go together...aren't we lucky to experience such things? It's nice to cross paths for a few days, catch up, have mini-reunions.
The dogs will be grazing under tables I'm sure, trying to get samples and crumbs, and lick bare toes. Why do they do that, anyway?
Let's hope the "fam" will be understanding....cold noses, and warm tongues....could be not to every one's liking.
Oh well, this corgi cottage comes with a warning label. Beware, corgis inside, and they are very, very hungry!
You've been busy, corgidogmama! Way to go and lucky you to have Emmy Lulu and all there for a visit! I can't wait for my grandbaby's arrival in Feb.! Here's hoping the corgis get their fair share! Way to go with the family get-togethers! Have fun next week and start cooking!
Hey Corgidogmama!
I'm glad to see that you are having a wonderful Summer with all of your family coming in to visit you!
What a beautiful family!
I know 'sxactly what you're feeling ... my own DIL and precious granddaughers just left. We enjoyed a crazy fun week that went by WAY tooo fast. Like that song goes, "Precious and few are the moments we have to share ..."
How nice - I know now much you
enjoyed having your daughter and little Emma there. Everyone looked so happy in the pictures. And your daughter is like you - she is smart and wonderful!
Hope you have a great time with Jim's side of the family.
Sounds like a good time - it keeps ya outa trouble! And keeps the Corgis well fed! I had to make a stop at the vet clinic the other day, and a HUGE Corgi walked in the door with its owner - they put the dog on a scale and it weighted 55 lbs! The owner said it had lost 10 pounds since its last visit - just cutting out on the TREATS! Zowie! Watch what lands under those picnic tables, will ya??
Hi Shorty!
Ha ha I love how your kids tower over you!
Enjoy being taller than Emmy -- for now...lol
Kids do move away...I know I ran all over tarnation...hang on and live to a ripe old age and I bet they come back or you might even go there!!!
I am so happy for your wonderful visits and even more to come.It makes me so sad living far from all my family..really sad.Then again,when they visit,you just cant help but treasure every second.
Big Hugs,Cat
On the corgi front; weighed Keir when he had his distemper/bordatella shots--41.5lbs. Not as much as I thought. Getting ready for Minnesota--yippeee!! (It's not August 13th yet?) Have fun with family--they all live so far away, don't they? We just have to get together before we ruuun away!
What fun and what great pictures. I think Emmy gets cuter in every picture. How nice to have family all together and have good times to celebrate. Nothing better!
I would love to have my toes licked by your corgi-kids! Have fun with all your human kids.
Sounds like a terrific summer to me!It's good for the memories - I love looking at pics from years ago.
Sounds like a terrific summer to me!It's good for the memories - I love looking at pics from years ago.
So happy for you that you are getting visits from your kids and other relatives. Looks like we aren't going to be able to go to TX after all this summer like we'd hoped to do, but our son from FL is still planning to come out in Oct. It is wonderful to have them around, though I'm usually worn out after a visit... Old age is the PITS!
At least I get to see Kody about once a month... :)
My son just moved to Durham.
My daughter was just home from D.C., last weekend.
Isn't it wonderful to have them?
love, Cheryl
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