or, perhaps, the lawnmower ran over a rabbit, or even a corgi.
How horrid the headlines would be....how tragic.

Of course, none of those things occurred...

It was a common, everyday thing...happening across America.

Just the simple act of Saturday night baths in a (corgi) kid household. It wasn't pretty. Oh my land...it was a hairy experience indeed!
The snapping, the snarling...from Jim and I, hee hee.
The dogs, mildly, gave up the battle, and meekly accepted their fate.
Suds, towel rubbing and worst of all...the dreaded b-r-u-s-h-i-n-g.

But....we're all the better for the experience. Amen.
ChiChi runs and Levi hides when bath time comes around.
And the corgis look great!
Hey Corgidogmama!
What a hoot! I am going to take Jazz to get a bath at the dog wash place tomorrow! hehehe She will be shocked won't she! lol
My dogs run when they see me with their comb!
Have a Wonderful Week!
Hey Corgidogmama!
What a hoot! I am going to take Jazz to get a bath at the dog wash place tomorrow! hehehe She will be shocked won't she! lol
My dogs run when they see me with their comb!
Have a Wonderful Week!
Land o Goshen! How funny is that! Thought you were going to show something the Corgi Kidz got into!!! Thanks for the smiles today!!!
Too funny! I imagine the birds would like that fluff for their nests.
Til next week! You should see the pile that was left when brushing out two full-coat collies in the Spring. Whoooo doggies! The birdies looooved it!
You had me going with that first photo!
Lucky you, neither Jake or Addie is wearing the post-bath expression I usually get from Caraleigh. I can't write it in public, but you get the idea :)
Dog hair definitely rules in my house, I have three corgis. In the summertime if I have the ceiling fan on, the hair blows to the sides and corners of the rooms and it looks like tumbleweed.
I love your blog. I am new to the blogging world and started my blog about three weeks ago. I talk about corgis, miniatures, flowers and anything else that comes along.
Please stop by and visit my blog:
http://corgisinmygarden.blogspot.com/ and tell me what you think.
LOL! We thought the terrible duo had taken on bunnies or something! Bath time is always good for action shots!
Love, Dozer and Cooper
This made me smile CDM
Sounds like an episode when Buddy, our cat, needs meds!
I LOVE your little bit of wisdom that is at the top of your blog!
Been there... done that... IT ain't pretty, BUT the corgis are afterwards, aren't they! Grammy from Corgi Country
Their sparkle blinds my eyes!
They are so cute, and clean...LOL.. my neighbor use to have to spell bath in front of her little Bison...because she knew what bath meant, and was a white dog, so she was always in the tub...thanks for stopping by... judy
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