I plan to do more and do less in the coming year.
I plan to pray more, move more, and try to understand my spouse more.
I plan to eat less, be crabby less, and require less to be happy.

We will open the book. Its pages are blank. We are going to put words on them ourselves. The book is called "Opportunity" and its first chapter is New Year's Day.
Edith Lovejoy Pierce
How do you gals feel about the ending of a year, and entering another? Does it make you sad, or invigorate you to new meet new challenges and goals?
We're another year older, another year wiser...surely that counts for something!?
Best wishes to all as we enter 2011.
Oh wow ...I love your resolutions (er, "plans").
New Years is my waaaay my favorite holiday. After 60 years I still keep messing up -- but regard January 1 as my "free" do-over!
1-1-11 ... don't-cha love the look!?
Susan, I love a new year...a clean fresh white field of snow, a clean fresh white sheet of paper, a clean white heart cleansed of guilt and hatred.
XO, Cheryl
Hey Corgidogmama!
I used to not give New Year's much thought. Now that I'm a little older I'm wondering where in the world is all of my time going? It seems like yesterday I was back in school.... I really don't like the getting old business but I do like the getting wiser thing!
Happy New Year!
Great resolutions for you and I could say about the same. I'm so looking forward to the new year and meeting my first grandchild due around Valentine's Day. Just what this 65 year old and has been waiting for! Happy New Year to you and here's wishing you the best!
The thing it makes me think about - is you have a brand new year - you can get rid of the past year - and it is an open book. You can put anything in that year you want too - and no one can take it away from you.
I love your plans for the new year - sounds good for me also.
I can relate to being covered with dog hair...imagine having three. I cringe if anyone comes through my front door with black on.
Susan,for the first time ever I picked some words for the year..a mantra,or just a reminder..My words are ""Enjoy" & "Linger" &
"Be Astonished".These words will be posted in every corner of my home as a reminder not to waste another second.Time is running to fast..and we need to make the most of every moment.I love your list.."be less crabby"...I need to work on that one too!!
Big Hugs friend,Cat
Our sermon today was "Clean Slate". Every year God gives us a January, so we can have a clean slate and start anew...I have been working on my new years resolution from many years ago...it's still the same...Clean and organize my upstairs...why is that such a hard project...I never water the upstairs, but for some reason things seem to grow...I've already started taking pictures out of old picture frames, (some from my mother in law) when kids didn't know what to give great grandma, they always gave her pictures of the kids in frames....so I have an over abundance of frames...packed them in boxes and they are going to the Good Will....so far 2011 has been good...but then we are only on day 2....LOL...well Corgi mama....have a great year, and thanks for stopping by my blog...I'll be back...judy
I'm with you. Eat less -- except for veggies -- and worry less. Definitely pray more and read more! I'm feeling hopeful for lots of good things in the year ahead. Wishing you happiness, hope and health in 2011.
In this new year, I am trying to remain positive, praying that all who struggle will be rewarded in some small way. I've made no resolutions except that one, and will keep looking for a bright spot in each and every day! Happy New Year, CorgiDogMama!!! Ever faithful!
New Year? Hmmmmm....I must have slept thru it! And I think I was schemeing and dreamin? Ok dear Susan navigator of the road...do we go thru Georgia to get to Texas or Texas to get to Georgia? Us girls need to get to some serious visiting!
A New Year always makes me happy....and even more grateful for everything good I have in my life.
I love the new year. I love the fresh start and getting a new calendar to hang on the wall with nothing but birthdays and anniversaries filled in. I know it'll fill up quickly with things to do, but for now, it's a new blank year and I'm looking forward to it.
Happy new year to you - hoping it's great all around
Happy New Year to you. I guess starting the year out with a good attitude is the important thing. So, go for it!!
Happy New Year! I always love a new year! Fresh start, clean slate, another chance to get things right!!
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