Jim and I haven't exchanged gifts for years, we just find a few things to drop into our stockings. We speak on the phone each evening while he's on the road. Last night, I asked him NOT to get the annual Skor bar for mine, as I want to begin Diet #4002 the day after Christmas. "So, what do you want? You have to give me some ideas," he said. I couldn't come up with a thing...which got me thinking at midnight, then again at 6 a.m. What, is my true, heart of hearts Christmas list? Well, there are two lists.
The Unselfish List:
1) Peace~worldwide and "inner" for all.
2) A blanket of kindness across the land that touches everyone.
3) Good health, joy, contentment for all family and friends, and everyone else.
4) America, back on track.
5) A full time job with benefits for anyone who wants it.
The Selfish List:
1) A day at the Ocean; from sunrise to sunset. An entire day to soak up the sand, surf, smells and sounds of the beach.
2) A day of Romance. From the butterflies in the belly, to the hand holding, eye gazing, feeling that sense of new excitement...and oh, yeah...a good necking session!
3) To be rid of my turkey neck.
4) A canister of guilt-free Almond Roca!
5) A longer lifespan for the corgi kids.
6) A winning lotto ticket for just enough, not millions, so Jim could quit driving truck and have time (for that necking session!).
Give yourself a little gift of nostalgia, frivolity, and nonsense. Dream up your own Christmas wish list. Just for shits and giggles if not for anything else.
Wow I'm loving your list...Mmmm the almond roca..yummy!!
I think your "Unselfish List" is really beautiful.Sometimes I feel bitter with the world and have to keep reminding myself to keep an open mind..open to the possibility that maybe,just maybe things like this ARE possible."A blanket of kindness"..Friends like you keep my spirit high.Thank you.
Now what would my selfish list look like..Mmmm...I may have to get back to you on this one..Feeling really blessed..thankful that the house is full..steak is cooking on the grill..the closet is hiding some presents..that "Wolfy" is here beside me..that Joshua is almost finished with his puzzle and Hannah is dancing around the house.
Its hard to imagine anything better.Blessings to you and yours Sweet Susan.Cat
Hey Corgidogmama!
I just love your "Unselfish List". All of that would be like Heaven on Earth!
Now for your "Selfish List", I hope that Jim reads your blog and gets you that necking session sitting on the WARM beach eating the candy of your heart's desires!
Merry Christmas!
This has got to be one of the highlights of my today! (Don't ask - tee,hee!)
LOVE your "Selfish" list - and would love to see this idea catch on!
I'm soooo far behind this year, perhaps I should start on 2011 right now?!
Your lists are fantastic...both of them. My wish for you is that Jim reads this post and lets his imagination take the wheel! Merry Christmas CorgiDogMamma!!
Your list is great. I'm with you on the unselfish list and to be totally on the selfish list I want the neck of my youth, too!
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