This, is a wild turkey. This, crossed the country road in front of us this morning.
Why does the wild turkey cross the road you ask?
Well...it stopped in the middle of the road. It did not cross.
It was less than a foot away from the car. The corgis and I got up close and personal. Addie popped her head out the back window, and barked her itty bitty head off as she always does. Jake hid. As he always does. The bird didn't flinch.
Nobody blinked. I was imagining bloody scenes in my head...thinking,"do turkey birds attack?" I rolled up the back window and slowly pulled away.
The darn thing chased us.
For twenty five feet.
Addie looked out the back window, paws on the back seat, looking as if she couldn't believe the crazy sight.
Jake kept his head down, hoping it was all a bad nightmare.
Years ago, Jim and I camped at a northern state park in Indiana, called Chain-O-Lakes. We were surrounded by wild turkey creatures there while in our little red tracker. Seven or eight of them, looked inside our car windows, thinking we were the biggest red berry they had ever seen. These things were nearly as tall as our car windows. I have photos.
It was like that day all over again. Same red car. Same boldness. Either turkeys are really, really dumb.....or really, really scary.