Groundhog Day, a Germanic holiday that uses a furry prognosticator to foretell the coming of spring, depends on the presence (or not) of sunshine for its forecast.
Many of you know that most of America is being hit by the Blast of '11 this week.
I'm thinking, that NO groundhog in their right mind will pop his little furry head out of a nice, warm burrow.
Oh well....in the meantime, we're under a Level One snow emergency, meaning that only emergency vehicles can be on the road.
We have over a foot. The wind was blasting so hard last night the windows rattled.
Jim is home this week with a bad cold, and it's a lucky break for him.
The corgis are not enjoying the snow as they have in past years. There's just too much of the stuff.
We put a small turkey in the oven last night, and were carving/deboning after 9p.m., in anticipation of a quiet, snow day today. The library director called with the delightful news of being closed today. She just became one of my favorite people on earth!
Luckily I brought home movies and books from work yesterday. The trees were loaded with fat, perky robins when I got off at one. I've never seen such a sight in early February. Somehow, they made a wrong turn, and landed right in the thick of a pending blizzard.
Last week, we got an emergency call from Florida, stating that my mom had fallen, face-first onto concrete, and ended up spending a few days in ICU. We went down to see her; spending two days in Largo. The rv needed a tiny little valve, so we spent an entire day sitting at a repair shop, and the next morning. She's doing better, and the rv made it home after a bumpy beginning. Both intact.
We spotted ten armadillos, sunning along the Florida interstate. A site that always delights me. We took a shower at a truck stop, and slept in Cracker Barrel parking lots at night. We listened to "Murder on the Orient Express" on the way home. We stopped at a Waffle House for a pecan waffle fix. The corgis ate some green grass at the rest areas. A treat for them. While in Florida though, we had sweaters and jackets on. I think the temps ranged from 40 at night to maybe 60 during the day.
It wasn't a pleasure trip, but it was a change of scene, once the anxiety of mom's accident passed.
Spring can't come soon enough. Time to go shovel....again!
Oh my dear - what a week. I am so sorry for that - at least you got a day off. We got five days off for 4 inches - if that were here - we'd be in until spring.
Hope your mother is getting better.
Glad Jim is home.
Keep warm.
The Corgyn have requested that you bake cookies pronto.
I would love to see an armadillo! Never seen one in person that was alive (seen one turned into a purse once - kinda creepy!) I posted on both blogs today about the snow - thought of you when I seen the maps of where the storm was headed! Took the day off - could not get out our driveway - and we might be able to work tomorrow. Bob had to get parts for his snow thrower - it broke while trying to clear our lane! BOO!
Hey Corgidogmama!
I hate to hear that about your mom falling and in the hospital! Glad she is doing better now.
I'm glad that you got a day off from work. Hope your husband feels better.
We didn't get any snow this time! lol Just rain. Old Man Winter isn't done with us this year though.
Hi again!
Soooo glad to learn your mother is doing better ... also that Jim's safe and warm INSIDE!
This weather's so crazy - there's a big fountain near our house which was discovered frozen solid this morning - unheard of in AZ.
Enjoy your day off!
Sorry to hear about your mother and hope she is much better now. That was indeed a break from the nasty weather for you and how cool to see the armadillos.
What a snow storm!!! We had thunder snow, incredible; snowing like mad, so windy and thunder and lightening! We had 20" of snow with 5-6 ft drifts in the driveway and just got plowed out at 7 p.m. last night. Tuesday night the wind howled all night long. They do a great job clearing the roads here but this was just way too much.
Those robins surely got their wires crossed and hope the corgis are enjoying the snow now. Hugs to you and take care.
We too are soooo ready for spring! So sorry to hear about your Mom...I'll hope she is feeling better now! I was thinking about your Jim out there driving in this...Joliet got 16 inches...but the blowing was the crazy thing! I've got quite a few steps up to my poch thatwere covered...and snowdrifts up on the porch...CRAZY! Talking about crazy...lol...I've not been ou of the house since Monday...thinking I better make a break for it tonight///lol! Hugs girl...and stay warm the next artic blast of cold is coming next week! Come on spring!
Oh my goodness... we are from Palm Harbor and now stay in a RV park in Largo... If I had known you were here we could have met! Maybe some other time. My kids grew up at Fort Desoto... we camped there at least once every other month or more! Sorry your mom was sick and hope she is doing better! Thanks for coming by!!!
Hope your mother continues to get better. Not a pleasure trip and I am sure lots of anxiety on the way down. But glad you and the corgis got to see some green grass. Won't that be a treat.
I too hope your mom gets better. What a winter!
I’m already following your blog! Really loved it! Very gorgeous!!
So, could you please follow me, and the blog's twitter? @blogspm
Well, my blog is in Portuguese but you can comment in English, I’ll understand…
Thanks a lot!
What a busy time you've had. Glad your mom is ok. It's been a bad winter all over...snow where it's never been before, and way too much of it.
Susan, I'm glad your mother is better. Showering at a truck stop? Flying J? I always think it is strange with that voice overhead saying "shower number nineteen is now ready." kind of like "Call on line..." I jus loves me some cracker barrel!
Try to keep warm and keep your chin up! XO, Cheryl
p.s. I've never seen armadillos in FL!
Oh girl, I'm so very sorry to hear about your mama fallin'. I'm sure prayin' that she recovers quickly.
I have an ongoin' war with armadillos here on the Ponderosa, they can sure dig up a yard!
God bless ya'll from the icy hills and hollers of the Missouri Ponderosa!!!
Hey sweetie, I just wanted to thank ya for your sweet visit and hoppin' on my blog. I sure hope ya'll enjoy the ride. I only post every 7-10 days. That's all the time the Ponderosa will allow!
God bless ya and in the words of the wild and crazy Granny Clampett,"ya'll come back now, ya hear!!!"
What a roller coaster your life is!
It sounds like there's never a dull moment. Glad to hear everything's better now.
OH, My... I'm so glad that your Mom wasn't hurt worse than what she was, though "a few days in ICU" doesn't sound very good at ALL! A break in the routine was good, though. We haven't seen any snow this year so far, but they say that we are about to have a totally freak storm by Friday and overnight to Sat. that will drop snow down to the 1000 ft. level which is UN HEARD OF in this area!!! Hope it doesn't totally freeze our grain hay which is up about 3-4 inches. We will see, I guess. At least the corgis will get to see some snow, which I've hoped for (just wanted to drive up to it somewhere close and not have it in our yard!)
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