Not all mothers are female. Jim lost his first wife to breast cancer. She was 27. He raised their son alone. He did a darn good job. The very first thing I noticed about Jim on the day we met was his sensitive side. I realized that men were vulnerable. Before that, I had NO idea!
Happy Mother's Day to all who have had the gift of raising their young, and lived through it! Blessings and Hugs to those doing so in today's rough world. Grandparents help soothe the hurts that both their children and grandchildren experience. God bless 'em too!
Great post Susan and I'm sure Jim feels honored to have you say that. There are all kinds of mom's out there to be honored tomorrow. You have a great Mother's Day and the same to Jim!
A lovely post for Mother's Day. Happy wishes to you and to Jim!
Hey I never thought of that - from that angle. What a sweet tribute to Jim.
Happy Mother's day to you both.
Happy Mother's Day to both of you. Your children are blessed to have you.
I never really thought about it that way either. Some men do end up being both mother and father for this children.
What a beautiful tribute to your man!
Hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day Corgidogmama!
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