Is it a God given right, or something we have to work at to attain?
Hmmm, don't really know, but I found several sites that know more on this subject.
Visit the Happiness Project, it's an awesome site, full of deep thoughts on what we all seek during our lifetime...happy, happy, joy, joy!
Another site is full of questionaires that you answer, to develop insights about yourself, called Authentic Happiness. Are you still here...???? SCOOT, go explore!
I don't know, dearie, I'm more into the Gloomy Outlook sort of sites...might go see what those Happiness Folks are up to, though...
Snow fell for 5 minutes today, thought I'd faint...luckily it disappeared as it hit the ground...!!!
Thank you for visiting my little blog and entering my anniversary giveaway! I've got you entered. Good luck!
Love little Corgis pooches too, LOL. You have a sweet blog here.
I love happiness! ;)
Thanks for your visit to my blog! Your cottage with hollyhocks and white picket fencing sounds just about perfect!
My neighbor breeds champion Corgis. My daughter loves to go visit them!
Thank you for sharing that Blog - I'm still trying to figure out how to find other good Blogs (Lol).
Thank you so much for your reply. Dah - sometimes I can be so smart and other times so . . . Thanks again.
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