What is it with women, diets, and their love affair with food? These photos are from the 1950's, but decades, even eons earlier... women were obsessed with obtaining slenderness to boost the image of beauty. Today, I think people are thinking more towards their health, rather than aesthetics.
Dieting fads ran rampant during the 1950's. The first low carb diet was even around then, and had a resurgence in the '70's, and beyond. Clinical trials were run to investigate various diets out there during that time as well. There was a lot of colon cancer during the 1950's in the UK, so maybe people were getting more interested in eating in a more healthy manner.
The chemicals in the food, and DDT sprayed on veggies and fruit was outlandish...but, everyone was pretty uninformed.
At least now, the internet can inform the masses, and we can educate ourselves to discover which plan of attack we want to follow!

These circa 1950 book titles, tell us a little bit about the society at that time.
Today...we're smarter about chemicals, have such a variety of programs, know to drink lots of water, and with the availability of fresh produce all year long, and frozen items at Wally World...our success rate should be higher than our sisters of past decades. All we can do is take one day, one bite, one jumping jack at a time. Just like they did then.
The recommendations of what to eat and what not to eat vary a lot. The most important advice is to take in less energy than you use. If you don't follow that rule, you can't lose weight!
I would be very careful with our doors! But the doorpost is good for stretching your shoulders back.
That was such a fun read..i had to have a chuckle or two :)
Oh Swell...I pop over to see you...because YOU must have got up early to take the dogs out...lol...I see you...lol....trying to beat me over to the Ol' Dames so you are the FAVORITE sister (huh!!! throwing lil nose in air)Well anyway...here I am stuffing a cinnamon roll in my mouth...and your post is about dieting....
DIETING?????? Lol.....ok back to it AFTER the cinnamon roll (licking every last bit from fingers before it is gone).
When I lost my greatest amount it was with NO red meat and drinking...LOTS and Lots of water.
Well now that you have me feeling guilty...LOL...I'm going to run (ok...walk agressively) around the block..I should have more energy that I need after the cinnamon roll! Happy Thursday....
Great post...you had me chuckling.
I particularly liked the girl hanging from the door!
Your daughter-in-law's tribute video is BEAUTIFUL! Her voice is awesome! Thanks for sharing!
Great post! I had no idea there were diet/exercise books so long ago.
I've never ever seen that door exercise before - or it that a stretch?
I did the Royal Canadian Air Force Exercise too - in fact I still have the book - although I must admit it's dusty. I do Curves now and I love it.
Jessica Simpson seems to be being bashed horribly everywhere for her ten pound gain - I only wish I looked like her! She's beautiful.
Loved your post today... so cute... Well I have tried them all but I know there is only one cure for the dreaded "FAT".... and that is "EAT LESS & MOVE MORE" which I do neither of... LOL LOL
Way before the 50s, there were diets. Thanks for sharing. Happy VTT Day.
Interesting peek into our past!
Thanks for the reminders, lol...I have been dieting for as long as I can remember, I won some and lost some, ohhhhh, the tales, I could tell lol lol. The eat nothing but banans diet, the grapefuit diet...water and lettuce diet...what we won't do to fit the imagine everyone wants...but it all boils down to..doing it for yourself and your health...then it will work.
Enjoy reading your blog.
Great post. I've tagged you on my blog, play along if you like. If not, no worries! Have a happy day. xo Cat
I am still laughing while typing--that girl hanging from the door. This was a great post.
This was cute! I love all the cute pictures, the doors well, I would not dare try that one! This really had me laughing I loved this post.
I am swinging from the chandelier, I mean door, all the time! Ha! Thank you for the fun history and great vintage graphics. ~Kelly
unDeniably Domestic
Diet is a money making machine. LOL
Thanks! I needed that! (as I sit here eating a bowl of chicken corn chowder - mmmm, fattening comfort food!
"Everything old is new again..."
Fie on these old-fashioned diets! I'm going to lose weight the new way, harnessing the WORLD of TECHNOLOTY...through VIRTUAL OSMOSIS...as ye dolls attempt to lose weight in the REAL world by doing terrible things like exercising and not eating, I'M going to lose the same amount VIRTUALLY, through the miracle of PhotoShop!
Oh I remember my mom doing those Air Force exercises. And Jack La Lane on TV.
Kathy b
He he, you always have the most interesting and clever posts. I love your blog. It's just a happy place to be (and it has corgis!!!)
Have a great weekend my friend!
Love the girl hanging from the door and the 'natural' lady!
Love the book about the cocktails! Gives new meaning to the phrase "liquid diet"!
Your DIL's rendition is just so beautiful.
Dieting is for the birds! Not me. LOL! I liked the song by the way.
Great blog, I signed on as a follower! Thanks so much for your kind comments on my blog. I am not sure my work is worthy of the praises you give it though. I see so much talent wherever I go in blogland.
First let me tell you your daughter in law brought tears to my eyes....she's not only beautiful but has a beautiful voice. That is no easy song to sing...My granddaughter Jenson is a Soph. in high school, and she sings the Nationl Anthem at the school hockey games, and basketball games....I'm so proud of her...I wish I could get her on a video like that...Jensi did get the lead in Beauty and the Beast as Belle for school....sorry, I had to add that...now this was a fun blog to read, after I wiped away my tears that is.....the only thing I can say is, back in the 50's who needed a diet? I was skinny back then, but it all caught up with me....thanks for stopping by my blog and also my poetry blog, I just added another memory poem...... I'm going back and reading some more of your posts.... judy
Great vintage info and I sure enjoyed the read!
Have a wonderful weekend and Blessings to You!
Claudia O.
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