Well folks, today, is that darn day for me. I really hate it too. It's a waste of time. My thoughts are fractured, and I keep going around in circles. I got all the bill paying and errand running done, but don't know what to do next. There's plenty to do believe me! Our bedroom needs to be painted; the Christmas decor needs to be gone through and sorted. I need to heartlessly discard items that create clutter. Sigh...instead of gettin' crackin' at those things however, my brain is stuck on thoughts like these:

Why...is the line to the men's room always so short? Why aren't there more stalls in a ladies room? Whenever we're out and about, I notice this, and it bothers me. Does it you....too?

I just read, in the Farmer's Almanac, that if you have forgotten to put cat litter in the trunk of your car, and get stuck in the white stuff falling from heaven, you can pull out your car mats to give those tires some traction. You southern states may need to remember this, as the next wintry blast is supposed to affect you as well! Something has made Mother Nature extremely moody this winter, and she's in a hissy fit, wreaking havoc in states that she usually leaves alone!
Saw this on a forward sent our way this morning:Out of my mind...back in five minutes! and another...They call it PMS because Mad Cow disease was already taken!
Thanks to Eleanor Roosevelt...I'm going to get busy....she said:
Work is always an antidote to depression.
I'll say it again, you are so funny. I enjoy visiting you.
Lol...my Corgi Mamma...I had to come over here AND give you a hard time...lol... after spotting your lil...ROFL ...evil twin comment over at the Dames,and you thought lol...I would be having one of those DUh...in a fog days myself here...lol...and miss it! Well LOL-louder (famiiy coming to check on me now) I did not miss it..and lol...I lovingly accept you as a partner in crime.....oh I am sorry...others may be reading this...I mean I will accept the fact that I have another SISTA here in blogland....And ya know what I love about her too (thats you incase your mind is still fogged up ) that she can be just as awnry and menopausal as ME! An talk about "fractured" thinking...god I hope I am leaving this message at My Corgi Mamas...not the blog of someone else! LOL....no one else would even begin to understand us...or would they? I say we start a "DEPENDS" club...cause I can "DEPENDS" on you to make me laugh!
Oh...and I forgot....It is getting colder here again...brush the babies...I need warmer socks...lol...
And now ALL the bloggers know...we are NUTS!
Gee, I thought that kind of thinking was just normal!
Yes, I do understand and have those kind of days too.
You sound like you are having one of my days...as I told my Hubby...
I am lost and gone to find myself, if I return before I get back, please ask me to wait.....on days like this I find myself meeting me in the middle.
Your right about Mother Nature pitching a hissy fit...In Central Mississippi we have had 3 snows in the year 2008 2 in the month of Dec., usually don't have 3 snows in 10 yrs.... I'm a 2 hr drive from the Gulf Coast, and an hr from the LA swamps, you just don't have snow like this down south...Brrrrrr.It just ain't natural..
It is sleeting here. Oh, sleet!
It's always fun to drop in when you're going postal...oops I mean flipping out...um...I mean ranting...no, uh, I mean posting with enthusiasm...yes, that's it! And boy are ye ENTHUSIASTIC lately!!! Tee hee love it.
heeeheee! So, what does it mean if you LIVE in a fog?
Y'know . . . Eleanor was absolutely right! Although I apply it to anxiety, not depression.
You are funny! Thanks for the comments on my blog. I appreciate it!
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