Do you click on the Breast Cancer Site everyday to get your click counted? If so you've done a good thing, as each click helps women who can't afford good care, the chance to have a mammogram done. Today, I noticed that a book was being featured, and it looked like a good one to share with all of you. It's full of words of wisdom, that we all need to remember, think about and perhaps grasp as our own new point of view, motto or theme for our daily living.
Life is too short for ironing, nonfat dairy creamer, and regret of any kind.Stick your nose where it doesn't belong to stop child or animal abuse.Whisper your darkest secrets to a beloved tree.
From~98 things a woman should do in her lifetime by Rebekah Shardy
This was a fabulous post my dear friend... I do click on it most every day... Being a breast cancer survivor I try to do whatever I can... Thanks for reminding everyone...
I click! For Breast Cancer, and to feed the pets at the animal shelters! It's a GOOD thing to do!
Halloo dearie...what a thoughtful, and thought-provoking, post.
Good advice my friend. I'm not sure a bout a dog beach. I do see dogs on some of the beaches though. And there is a section at the campgrounds now for us that have dogs. Thanks for the visit and also for signing my followers list. That makes me so happy. :)
Hey we live in a park in Largo... Isn't that funny... where do you stay when you are here??? Our park is having a Flea MArket today... Wonder if your brother came by... That would be too funny
I've been clicking on the Animal Shelter Site for years now, but didn't know about the Breast Cancer one... I will have to add it... Thanks for the info about it...
That book sounds interesting... I LOVE reading. My fav authors are Janette Oke, and Michael Phillips... My fav series at the moment is the Secret of the Rose by Michael Phillips... It's got everything... Christian values and wisdom, Romance, Adventure, Suspense (Will the bad guy stop the heros from running the underground railroad to get jews and Christians out before Hitler/Communists catch them, etc.) GREAT series!!!
Thanks for the heartfelt post!!
I loved that. Really makes you think about living life, giving to others, and to have some goals.
Any snow there? We may get some tomorrow!
hey, I'm a Hoosier so I had to stick my nose in over here.
Susan,You know me and this great cause...I click on every Breast Cancer Button I see! Thank you so much for sharing this! Hugs to you for this one!
Great post...and that book looks like it's full of wisdom I would enjoy. May just have to get myself a copy.
I'm giving away a book on my blog so stop by.
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