"Spring is nature's way of saying, "Let's party!"~Robin Williams
"I stuck my head out the window this morning and spring kissed me bang in the face."~Langston Hughes

"The world's favorite season is the spring. All things seem possible."~Edwin Way Teale
"An optimist is the human personification of spring."~Susan J Bissonette
"A little madness in the spring Is wholesome even for the King."~Emily Dickinson
Ahhh spring, I love the soft sweet smell of spring, the birds flying high and butterflies flipping from bloom to bloom and bubble bees buzzing around. Hurry spring, hurry.
It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are. - You are growing Corgi Mama. And it does take courage.
Those glasses - I had those cat eye glasses! Can you believe how funny those looked? I hated them then and I hate them now!
Love your quotes about spring. A little spring madness is just the thing to bring us to life!
Hey girlfriend...finally I got in to leave a comment....
I love SPRING!!!!!!
Just to let you know that on the picture of your bloggie friends...lol...Blogger number 3 is an imposter...that is really ME....lol...I think she just changed the color of my bow from Pink to Red to cover her tracks.
Please read my BLOGGIE today...well duh...I know you visit EVERYDAY...but it is VERY IMPORTANT! All friends of Corgis...please RUN YOUR SPYWARE today!!!!!!!!!!
"Spring has sprung,
The grass has rizz.
I wonder where
The birdies is."
Today is such a lovely day here that I am going to break away from the computer, get my earring-making stuff, and go watch the trains lumber through the desert on their way to prettier places. Hope you have a lovely Saturday too!
Hi there,
Thanks for visiting my blog and for the nice comments.
Have a great weekend!
Oh... how I am hoping for Spring... the birds are actually singing out my window as I type this morning... I am so ready!
Thank you for stopping in to visit with me, glad to see new faces.
Hoping you a Wonderful, Restful Sunday,Pamela
I just love your "funeral director" comic - it's just way too funny!!!
That 'man of the house' photo is too funny! The funeral director. What a riot. You may have to email me that one for my fridge door.
This is the perfect post for me to have read because I'm really yearning for spring!
Have I told you lately how wonderfully uplifting you and your blog are? You are always so positive and fun. I love that! :)
I love how you are changing the top every day - kind of like an Irish blessing this morning.
You have a white picket fence and hollyhocks? Oh you lucky girl you!!! I think traveling in an RV would be fun, however I would have to have a nest to return to. You know, a place you can really call home.
LOVE your post! Very cute!!!
Thank you for dropping by my little spot in Bloglandia. We know when it's spring here because that's when all the "Snowbirds" start migrating back north :)
Pattie ;)
Mazatlan Mexico
Hi girl, I've missed you were you been,. These 2 lived close together untill they were about 3 and 4, then Marissa the dark haired one, moved to Richland, which is about an hour away. They really missed each other. So I go get Marissa about ever 2 months to spend the week end so they can play together. Would get her more but her Mom works and the week end is the only time she really has to spend with her, so they don't let her come any more than that. You should see them run and hug each other. I hope they always stay that close.
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