Some quick ideas

Try some low-fat cottage cheese, a handful of fruit, whatever is handy, fresh/frozen/or canned and make yourself a little parfait. The more you can make it to delight your eye the better! about a string cheese and a couple of triscuts?
A mini-bag of natural or light popcorn is filling too.
I try to cook up some edaname to have on hand. Just squeezing a few pods, and popping the soybean in your mouth is fun, and delicious.
Try putting 15 of the turkey pepperoni slices on a paper plate and nuke it for 25-30 seconds until it sizzles and curls, Jim likes these. It's only 2 points if you're doing WW. The ideas are endless really. The best way to survive the hungries, I have found, is to be prepared, and to have something light but tasty on hand.
I counseled Josh today on eating better so he can drop some pounds, and ended up counseling myself as well, sharing ideas with him!
Even an old girl, CAN learn new tricks!
I like yer ideas, they are balanced and there's something for both the sweet-cravers and the savory-cravers. Snacks with protein are filling & will stop ol' Starvin' Marvin in his tracks!
Yer so right about having the items ON HAND. Otherwise, I find I just go a-huntin' for something, anything, and it's always something not too great...
Some wonderful ideas, and such a pretty picture of the fruit on cottage cheese... I really need to get to the store and get some more "good for me snacks" instead of these Girl Scout cookies that sit here calling my name... :)
GIRL SCOUT COOKIES WILL KILL YOU! I read that comment above!!! Some red grapes are good for your 'Chi' and also a few walnuts! I've had that combo snack before Sunday church services, and it helps tide me through till we get home and can have a real breakfast!
You know what my biggest problem is about food? It looks and tastes so much better when someone else makes it.
Like that picture you have looks so good - but to make it myself . . .
Oh, my dear, I just love the picture of the Kiwi and other fruits. I am an expert at knowing what to do and how, but a total failure at doing am like Chatty Crone, it looks so good on paper and in pictures, but I'm afraid knowing all I know about eating healthy I still grab that box of Girl Scout cookies...I'mmmmm a bad girl.
I'm headed out the door y'all have a great day.
Susan,Thats it...I am headed out for cottage cheese and yogurt! Yesterday though the trips up and down the stairs to the flooding basement were probably better than an hour on a! Viewing your beautiful blog changes and your quote about sliding down the banister of life I'd better get going on heading out for low-fat treats..or the banister is going to "bust" beneath me! Happy Healthly to you...thanks for sharing the yummy ideas!
YES, A Corgi- Welsh Pembroke named Chelsea Kabob. She is 8 months old. Born 6/30/08.
North Manchester? My duggles went to Manchester college for a year & several from his family have degrees from there. His family lives in Goshen.
We're in Bloomington.
I make CARDS, too!
Pleased to make your acquantance. Cheryl in Bloomington
I love pepperoni like that! I usually do it in the oven. I never even considered the microwave. But that would be so much easier!! I think I might have to go calm Marvin down and make some for myself right now. Thanks!
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