A few new names for you to check out on your next visit to the public library...
Alice Seybold, Karen Kingbury, Emily Giffen, Jane Green, Marian Keyes.
Five Ways to help Depression...
(We all need these reminders from time to time)
1. Eat more fish!
2. Walk for thirty minutes.
3. Keep your stress level down. (Good luck with that one!)
4. Practice positive thinking.
5. Practice Gratitude thinking.
Your little list is what all of the doctors recommend for battling depression, and they really do work!!!
#6 Win the lottery
I do find that walking alot is very helpful.
Right on Penni, winning the lotter is the best depression fighter I know...lol...
I have had times when I was so depressed and some one told me to think possitive, I'd want to tell them where to stick it...lol...
But they are good points to follow.
Ok..so here I am ...thinking positivly that I will get into McDonalds ...grab a fish sandwich,nd be on my way to get my Moms groceries,sounds simple right? I'm thanking God for the beautiful weather and would rather be home working in the yard,there are only a few items on her list so this should be QUICK...UNTIL some whipper snapper in Daddys SUV cuts me off for the last parking spot! Ok...deep breath..park in the next parking lot, no big deal running across parking lot will make me enjoy the fish even more and be better for me right? After dodging a few more whipper-snappers cruising the parking lot...I make it in to wait in line...PATIENCE Jane...after waiting 15 minutes in line I thank the man (with the whole neighborhood of 3 year olds with him whom can't decide if they want nuggets or a hamburger) whom lets me go ahead of him! I breath deeply in a sigh of relief as I walk (carefully dodging whipper-snappers) back to the car,turn up the Oldies station,roll back the sun roof...dig into my hardly worked for McDonalds bag...sip of ice tea first of course!
Hmmm...pulling out of lot..thinking I may be done with all this running around in time to enjoy the back yard at sunset...
Two lousy cheeseburgers in my bag? I hate cheeseburgers from McDonalds
Ok...relax...no BIG deal....
See my neighbor in parking lot of grocery store...hand off the two cheeseburgers to her son...he is happy! I walk around the Jewel an extra 30 minutes trying to remember what was on the grocery list as I have brought the Walmart list in and want to save time(lol) not running back out to car,also looking for something to eat..not alot in Jewel to eat when you had a taste for McDonalds fish....
I THANK the sample lady for the sample of some new wine( I really could use 2 samples at this point) but I was in a dawdling hurry!
I find more to be happy about...
NO long lines at Jewel,THINK I have everything on list,thinking there may be less calories in the 6 pack of cupcakes than in that ol' fish sandwich anyway!!!!!
At this point....who has time to be depressed or have I followed the rules to beat it?
*No fish...
*Chocolate cupcakes=Gratitude for chocolate
*1 hour of RUNNING
*Positive thinking that I may get home soon...or at least in time for the 10 PM news
*And so thankful this day is over!
MORAL of story...Someone needs to add RANTING to the list...I feel much better now...ahhhhh...DEEP BREATH!
will have to add those names to my list...especially now that our library doesn't charge $1 for reserving books....thank goodness! i just couldn't bring myself to reserve a book if I had to PAY for it!!
LOVE this picture!
Your list is true, how come when your depressed, THOSE are exactly what you DON'T want to do?
Great list and I totally believe in all those things!
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