Hello again vintage lovers...it's time to blog hop via Coloradolady's site to see everyone's old stuff.

This little spoon holder is something Jim made way, way, back in his Cub Scout days. He was probably somewhere between age 8 or 9 at the time. The boys used coping saws to cut out the design and then used hand drills to cut the holes to hold the spoons. They sanded and stained the holders then over the course of several meetings.
I think he's still proud of his work of nearly 50 years ago. This little item is surely a vintage item by now! Sorta like us!

I do apologize for the dusty spoons, yikes, what Horrible housekeeping!
Thanks for visiting! Love your stories and photos.
What a great spoon holder. Never, ever, ever apologize for dust! Ha! ~Kelly
unDeniably Domestic
Cute spoon holder...and,hey...I didn't know we were supposed to dust our SPOONS !! :o)
XO bj
I think it's great you have something he made so long ago. I'm always glad to see someone else besides me hates to dust.
I've never seen anything like this. Very cool, and how great that it was made for you.
How great to have something your Hubby made as a boy. I would cherish it always. And who in the world every told you, you were suppose to dust in order to be a good housekeeper...lol...Not I.
Hey dust is part of the vintage
charm and real life! Have a great
Love the spoon holder..and never let the dust fairy think we should dust spoons. :). Happy VTT..have a lovely weekend.
I absolutely love that photo with caption "How Naughty Can We Be?..." Dust...what dust, dim the lights!
How neat that you have something your husband made as a boy. I was amused by your header, the picture of the girls in the sweaters. I'm so glad we don't have pointy boobs anymore. =)
THat is a great spoon holder. I have a few things my husband made in shop at school. They are treasures now too. I think I will surprise him and try and do a post about them in the future. Great post today...no worries about the dust....who cares!
Cute spoon holder and I love the new vintage header! And the previous post of the RVs...saw a great history chanel episode about RVs. It is very sad about what's happening in Elkhart.
i love it and all the things it's holding..dust?? what dust?? life's too short to waste on dusting lol :)
pretty spoon holder.. so vintagey.. thanks for sharing it and have a nice day!
What a neat spoon holder!
Dust? What dust? I have dust blindness, just ask my husband *L*
I love the spoon holder! So Jim was as talented way back in the day! The vintage dust is wonderful...I have quite a collection of vintage dust bunnies here lately...
Happy Vintage thingie Thursday...I hope to have time to post! Talk to you later....Hugs Sista!
Don't you wish the kids of today could learn and make something like this? Something of value? I love the Boy Scouts.
I guess that's what made you snag him, when you saw how talented he is! Thanks for sharing. Happy Vintage Thingy Thursday. Here's mine: http://smilingsally.blogspot.com/2009/03/grandpas-needle-and-safety-pin.html
Very nice to have something that was made by your hubby, sorry that it has become vintage...LOL. And as for dust, it could be vintage too so why get rid of it.
How sweet that you still have that. My husband also made a few wood items in his school days but my mother in law has them.
What a treasure you have. Don't worry about the dust...it is protecting the spoons from harsher elements!!
HA! Dust! Well, if you visted my blog today, you will see some cob webs and hay chaff - I have to get cleaning out there too! Love your items and your memories! Bless you!
How very cool is that?!
Dust is vintage. It could be very old dust. Quite likely, you have not dusted in 25 years or more. Just teasing...
Glad to see you have a supply of wooden spoons!!!
this is SO cool! Something a mom could really use.
Thanks for visiting, and joining my site..I read your bio..my goodness, I think I am related to you!!!!Family, dogs (corgi's no less), RV's.. crazy huh! You go girlfriend!!
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