Why~can't they find things in the cupboard, or the closet, but especially the refrig?
Is it due to some male hormone that we gals don't have...and don't want, obviously!
If it's a tool in their tool box, or in the garage, they are able to zero in, time and again. But...if it's in the kitchen, it's just not there, eventho....it is!
That is too funny!!! And so true to life! Thanks for the laugh!!!
I hear ya! lol Now I'm wondering when my 4 yr old boy will start doing this??? Right now you can ask him where something is and he can get it right away! lol
That is something to think about!
What is wrong with them? They are supposed to be HUNTERS and GATHERERS aren't they? Isn't that what we were taught? They hunted things down? I guess we'd still have saber-toothed tigers if they had only known to hide in the refrigerator.
Right on!
I knew it! My Hubby's a CLONE!
Refrigerator Blindness ... that's great!
I have to admit, my 8 year old grandson has the disease too - and he's had it for a long time - as well as my husband! How come my daughter has it though? Although hers is more once she takes something out - she doesn't 'see' it to put it back (LOL).
This is SO true, and my son is the same way! MEN!
Now how did I miss this post? Yep this is true? Men are blind.
That turkey really was tough on us all...lol..Granny finally had to lock him up and only let him out at night, he made a pretty good guard dog, no one got passed him and lived to tell about it....lol...
LOL....My Jim seems to have that problem MAJOR...
Try this one girls.....
"Ketchup honey? East of the 12 pack,! Behind the Bartels and James"
Usually works!
I'm going to print that pic and post it on my fridge!
I've so missed keeping up with what's going on with you and your blog entries.
Hey...I know just exactly what you mean on this one!!====they just stand there, blankly, and if the item they want would be a snake...it'd have bit their noses off!!! Yessiree.
Hope you're doing well!
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