Well...the names were all put into a corgi cap, and dear hubby drew the name out.
This gal lives at the beach with her kitties and her computer in Ontario, Canada.
She has two lovely blogs that I enjoy. Tea and Photos shows her wonderful photography, and At the Cottage is about her life at her beach cottage. Sigh...I sigh often when I read them...her life sounds lovely, doesn't it? What could be better...tea, photos, and beach...are you sighing too by now?
Anyway, thank you everyone for signing up for this little ol' sweet nothing giveaway.
Congratulations Deb!
Gee you were up late! Congrats to Deb.
What a fun giveaway!
Congratulations to Deb the winner!
I'd love to have a beach cottage!
Congrats to Deb, nice give away.
lol...I'm keeping both blogs, I'll still be doing everything on Molly's memories as usual. But my painting stuff and how to's will be on the other one so it doesn't get shoved to the bottom. I post 4-5 time aday and my painting stuff gets pushed to the bottom before anyone sees it. Just trying to get organized, cause I do like to talk...Bwahahahaha...
Congrats, Deb!!!
Oh my what a lovely surprise :) Thank you so much! really, I started out with the blog because everyone was doing it and then deceided I would start the photo blog :) I like taking pictures.
You are just so sweet. *blush*
yes I really love it at the beach here. Sometimes when life takes a wrong turn, you make changes. I made changes, downsized and moved forward. It's a simple life, but a nice one :):):)
Oh yea, I am a buit of an old gal ;) and this whole menopausal stuff...well I could write a few novels I think. :)
Deb...You lucky dog!
Susan are you going to send a little of our Midwest Spring snow to her as a bonus! Can you believe this?
Oh dear, I usually am so smug about beig computer literate and i can't find your email :( Could you please email me.
thanks so much
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