Summing it Up...
Now, that I'm way on the wrong side of sixty, I feel that being true to self is important. "I yam, what I yam." Kindness and smiles are to be given away. Women are strong. Men are more vulnerable than we believe. Husbands may come and go...but one thing I know for sure is that I will NEVAH live without a corgi or coffee in my life if I can prevent it. Come piles of dog fur or hot water!
Monday, April 06, 2009
Easter week makes me think of Spring, green grass, coloring eggs, going to Church as a kid dooded up in a new straw hat and pastel dress. I'm so glad that lil' Emmy is experiencing the same traditions that we grew up with.
Her mama is very big on tradition, and so much more sensible and capable than I ever was. Thank God!
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Y'all come back now...
Traditions are great any time, but most often we think of them during Easter or other holiday seasons. Memorial Day is one that is often pushed by the wayside with the younger generation - parades are fun, but what about going to clean off the graves and placing flowers for our loved ones that are now gone? So very important to keep their memories alive, long after they are gone. Cute picture and a captivating little girl!
Funny...I don't follow any traditions anymore...I like reading the blogs and being reminded of things I forgot long ago...I remember seeing the straw hats, and often, matching straw purses (especially the little round ones!) in the shop windows...one of the big department stores had live bunnies in its Easter window display, back when they had big stores downtown and everyone waited for what the window display artists would make that year...
I love traditions....think the Easter bunny will drop by my house with CHOCOLATE for me??? If he happens to read this blog he must know that I am trying to behave...much to Corgi Mamma's dismay as she eggs (yep reeses chocolate peanut butter eggs...my favorite) me on to be NAUGHTY!
So if I get NO eggs OR chocolate this year..Corgi Mamma I am holding you personally responsible....
Not everyone can be as sweet as Emmy!
First let me tell you I got a chuckle out of your banner picture. My friend Diane has a 1991 Mustang convertable....and we sometimes go sporting around in it. But I have yet to go with the top down....she does, so I guess I'll have to get in the groove... Your little granddaughter is adorable...and those eggs are some mighty fine goose eggs...tradition is good, my girls love tradition too.....it shows we raised them right.....
Happy Easter!
Yay for tradition! I love creating new traditions, but my heart leaps when I see dyed Easter eggs and such a beautiful little angel. Miss my niece! :)
Little Emmie is so cute! I insist on traditions being carried on...I think it's very important :)
Miss Emmy is a real cutie that's for sure. And how great that her Momma is keeping the tradition going.
She is so adorable. I know you can't wait to see her and give her a great big hug! You're daughter sounds wonderful too. No surprise there.
Love your blog! Your grandchild is such a sweetie. Your corgie's are so cute too. Happy Easter.
Oh she is just the prettiest little darling! Give her a Happy Easter hug from me :) xo xo Cat
Glad she will have the memories and traditions.
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