It takes so little some days to make me happy.
Today, for instance...
Something that warmed my heart:
~ Was seeing a young colt lying on the soft blanket of green pasture, sleeping in the sun under the watchful eye of his mama, Mrs. Horse.
~ The white-faced sheep chewing away in the hilly field outside the log cabin barn. Their fleece is so dirty this time of year, and hangs from their face in fuzzy strips. Bits of grass and straw stick straight out of their fuzzy rumps. Such a sight. They look huge in their sheepskin coats, about 8 inches thick!
~ A curvy, tree-lined, field stone sided creek caught my eye as the corgi kids and I did our daily country therapeutic drive. Made we wish we had that particular acre to call our own.
~Penniwig's blog entry for April Fool's was such a hoot today! Made me laugh so that I set the corgis off into barking.

Sounds like a beautiful ride...lol..I'll give you some of my pain meds and you give me some of your cold meds and we'll be double loopy together.
Sure hope you didn't take that cold medication before you went for a drive! LOL
Halloo honey, just pour me a bit of that cold medicine into me olde tin cup, there's a dear...I think it will mix quite well with the whiskey, don't you?
Your theraputic drive sounds so nice...you feel like you've BEEN somewhere...hope yer cold gets better soon, it's all that danged warm-one-day-snow-the-next nonsense aka Spring.
It really is the simple things in life that make us happy! Hope you get to feeling better!!
BTW - I love your blog background!!
Hope you are feeling better - colds are no fun.
The reason y ou 'see' beauty is because you are looking for it. That is a wonderful, wonderful gift you have.
The best medicine is what you were doing - viewing God's creation! Get well soon!
Mornin Dearie...but don't you mean loopier? LOL...
Perhaps if I took some of that medicine my Bloggie too would have this lovely look...AND mega posts...whew...I have been scrolling here for hours!
Still the sweetest thing on your blog is Miss Emmy....she is priceless!
Happy Dopey Day:)
(Sounds better than Happy Druggie Day:)
I can see that colt - s spring picture!
Just wanted to say hello and hope your feeling better and better.
Oh my gosh I love the older picture of Thelma and Louise! I just love it and can I borrow it?
And I love the quote and you are absolutely right - IT IS NEVER TO LATE TO SPREAD YOUR WINGS AND FLY!
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