Summing it Up...

Now, that I'm way on the wrong side of sixty, I feel that being true to self is important. "I yam, what I yam." Kindness and smiles are to be given away. Women are strong. Men are more vulnerable than we believe. Husbands may come and go...but one thing I know for sure is that I will NEVAH live without a corgi or coffee in my life if I can prevent it. Come piles of dog fur or hot water!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Good Stuff from the Farmer's Almanac...

Make-It-Yourself Cleaners

For a general cleaner, dissolve 4 tablespoons of baking soda in 1 quart of warm water.

For a good surface cleaner, mix together vinegar and salt. Apply and rinse with water.

For a drain cleaner, pour in 1/2 cup of baking soda, followed by 1/2 cup of white vinegar. Let it sit for a few minutes, then pour a kettle of boiling water down the drain to flush it.

For furniture polish, mix two parts vegetable oil or olive oil and one part lemon juice. Apply and polish with a soft cloth.


ocmist said...

Yep! Corgis RULE!!! Just ask OC!

I've heard of several of these things before. I really need to try at least the drain cleaner... Isn't that how you make a kid's volcano for science fair projects?

Have you tried any of them? Linda

LADY JANE said...

I love the Farmers Almanac! Hmmmm...great cleaning natural and so cheap! I have always loved rubbing a bit of olive oil on my antiques...really brings out a great shine! Thanks for he ideas...but I think I shall dig in the dirt! So much gardening...and so little time! How ya been?

Chatty Crone said...

What in the world are you doing up so late?

The girl at the top doesn't look like she's quite in menopasue yet to me (lol).

Loved those hints and made a hard copy of it for myself to bring down stairs to 'mix up'.


ClassyChassy said...

I adore hints like those - great to use instead of the bottled CHEMICALS! And better for Mother Earth....

Olde Dame Penniwig said...

I want to try that furniture polish, but I have limes on hand so I'll substitute them for the lemons. Ought to make it smell good, too!

About time you posted something! [grumble grumble]

Buttercup said...

Can never go wrong with the Farmer's Almanac. How come I live in Menopauseland and I don't look a thing like that woman on the Menopauseland travel poster?

Y'all come back now...

Y'all come back now...

Everyone is special, and counts!