God love 'em...I do love living with corgis. They are a real hoot. Shedders, oh my yes, but really a fun, cuckoo breed that makes me smile from sunrise to sunset...most days!
Corgis don't use napkins--but they do wipe the sides of their mouth on the carpet.
Corgis can chirp, howl like a hound, woof-woof, do heavy breathing and sigh, but what I love the most is the "chirping" sound they do, and cock their head.
They are horrible beggers, and their tummies are never full. They should be able to oink, because truly, they are little piggies.
And, when a corgi shakes...the shake goes down their spines and ends up as a big wiggle on their round rumps. The "pems" have the round rumps exaggerated because of the bobbed tails. Lots of junk in the trunk, if ya' know what I mean!
Now that we've had corgi kids for nine years, I can't go back to cats.
I can't go to another breed. Like Tasha Tudor, I'm hooked on the short legged, foxy faced little dears from Wales. Call me crazy, but I will always, from now on be a Corgidogmama! (Lord willing and the creek don't rise!)
Exactly like Tasha Tudor, I think that began my Corgi love, reading those books to my son as a young child. Your little Corgi kids are so much fun to watch, and I doubt we are done with only one, either...
Hurray for Corgis! One is never enough - just ask me! I think I'll have to stop at 4 - no more room for additional crates right now! And bath time? Oh good gosh - bathing 4 in one evening is exhausting - then add in the Aussie, and WHOAH! I'm whipped! But love them, I do - hungry tummies and all!
The cutiest view is the rear view!!!
Your dogs sound so endearing. And wow, Addie HAS slimmed down. What is her secret?!
I would love to hear that little "chirrup" sound they make. But they aren't just pretty dogs -- weren't they bred to be ferocious and go after weasels and such? You can tell they have a lot of heart.
You are crazy - crazy about Corgis. I enjoy and love them through you. Wish I wasn't allergic and could have one.
Oh, Goodness... You are exactly RIGHT about Corgis!!!
I've never heard of Tasha Tudor before... I will definitely have to check her out!!!
I've read a lot of the Mrs. Murphy Mysteries with Tucker, the Corgi in them and love the corgi drawings in the hardbacks. The last couple of them I wasn't to crazy about, though... corgi stuff was still good, just not crazy about a new twist in some of the regular characters.
Hubby says you can only have 4 at a time because that's how many appendages one person has to pet them with and if you pet one, the green-eyed monster comes out and you MUST pet them ALL!!!
Speaking of which, we have 3 and there is a possibility that a 4th may be available soon. Someone my sister knows bought one and then decided she didn't have enough time for an 8 week old pup, and gave it to another friend who already has a bunch of dogs and may not decide to keep it. I'm next in line!!! I'm praying... It's a black tri.
LOL! I loved your post. Mum says you are "spot on" when it comes to us corgis. She can't live without us either!
Love, Dozer, Dottie and Cooper
A great post and I love the little old ladies joke.
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