Now...who doesn't like an icy cold popsicle on a hot day, sitting barefoot on a porch swing?

Go outside as much as you can and enjoy the night air...summer nights are magic! Listen to the croakies, and the sounds of evening little league games.
Start looking for fireflies, I saw some during the daytime the other day sitting on a hollyhock leaf, soaking up rays I guess, for the night show.
Who cares what you look like in a suit...go swimming!

Girls...leave those ovens off, plug in the crockpot, or fire up the grill. Put on a short skirt and dance barefoot in the kitchen!

Summer's here, go live it!
You better believe summer is here, I walked out side an hr ago 9:30 pm and it was still 89 degrees...it is so hot the fireflies have gone into hiding...lol...it's always hot in MS but most of the time it waits till July and Aug.
I went blueberry picking this morning and at 8:00 am it was already 91 and add heat index and it is too hot to breath...
Oh how I wish we had some cool spring and early summer nights.
I'm waiting for summer. The umpteenth day of cool rain. I needed a sweater and socks. It was chilly. The plus is lots of money saved on air conditioning, but I am waiting for popsicle days.
Seems like we went from icicles to popscicles overnight here! Oh...that dear lil EMMY...she is a precious face! Hmmm...now I want a strawberry popsicle!
Well it has been hotter than blazes here - a 100 degrees for a few days now - what will August be like - those are our hottest days. Would love cool rain.
Emmy is adorable - those strawberries look YUMMY.
We have been so blessed here. We are running about 12 degrees cooler than normal for this time of year. Had one day of 100 degrees, but now back down to 85 today. It's usually in the high 90's to 105 by now around here. Praise God, we have ACTUALLY seen a spring!!! At least it is a dry heat when it comes.
We have a farm near here where you can go to pick your own fruit. You can eat all you want while you pick, too! Yummy... your pics remind me of going there when our kids were little. Fresh corn, white nectarines, berries... Good memories. Wish my grandkids were living closer.
*sigh* I will have to enjoy yer summer nights vicariously! I love the way you describe things, I can just picture a lovely night in my mind, complete with croaking frogs. I have not heard a frog in 7 years!!!
I tried on a swimsuit on Friday, sadly it was a big FAIL and I didn't buy one. Of course, as I exited the fitting room holding the foulest, flower filled, most granny-esqe swimsuit EVER, I was greated by cries of "Hi Mrs. W!" from no less than three of my students. Sigh. We'll see, maybe I'll find a minimally acceptable swimsuit before we leave for vacation- that's my quest!
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