'Twas spa time in our household last night. Addie bathes in the kitchen sink, one half in each stainless steel holding tank. She's a good girl, and likes bubble baths overall...what she enjoys most though, is the through rubdown afterwards. She closes her eyes and pretty much just enjoys the experience. Jim came out to assist in the comb out and Addie was lolling in ecstasy. I trimmed her hairy feet and dremeled her nails. She's a good sport, and liked our tag team efforts. What she despises is the camera. And the tea kettle; it whistles and she barks her head off! They love tea, and I occasionally give them the dregs of my decaf tea, laced with half and half. It's a Welsh thing I guess, and it warms their tummies.
Jake is an odd duck as well. He loves feet, anyone's feet. If a pizza man delivers, he's sniffing his tennies....our barefoot neighbor, boom.. he goes for the feet. If he sees me brushing my teeth in the morning, or putting on mascara, he comes into the bathroom, and lays on my feet. Letting me know, that he wants to go as well, we figure. They usually do go when we go somewhere. They'll have to learn to stay in their crates again, when we go back to work. We've spoiled them rotten the past three years, and they have become, and I say this, shamefully,short-hairy-children! After a bath, they both look like bear cubs...fuzzy, round butts, and exhausted....as are we!
Jake sez...."Oh me, oh my...I'm next! Believe me...HE'S a total different experience from Addie...he's a heart attack waiting to happen...he's a nightmare on a skate board...he's awful to give a bath to!

I'm glad I'm not considered one of your "short, hairy children". I'm a good 4 feet taller than either of them!
AHHHH! Spa Time! How wonderful! Corgis are the perfect size for sink bathing - easy on older backs like mine, that is for sure! No bending, no knee pain - that is the life for me! A spray-off with the wand sprayer, and we're done! You're the woman after my own heart!
They are both adorable but you know Addie has my heart. She's just such a little lady. And how dare you say she has "hairy" feet. FLUFFY, maybe...
So Jake has a foot fetish! LOL! I am guessing they can pick up a LOT of information from sniffing someone's feet!
I sure like yr new picture, too!
Did you see the Bachelorette? One of her guys had a foot fettish too!
Oh How I Wish I Could have a little dog to cuddle and hold and take care of.
Your little ones are so cute.
Rub-a-dub-dub! Corgis in the tub!
I'm thinking I may NOT fit in the sink....lol...but the after tub massage sounds wonderful! Are you currently accepting appointments?
Oh I love post-bath corgis! They are the fluffiest little buggers ever :)
Awww... they are adorable. I have a kitty, but I would love to have a cute dog like yours!
Just like children - each is different.A sweet post.
Mum doesn't have an email address for you so she said to tell you the following:
If you go to www.kooldogz.com you will find the mold she made our giganormous popsicle and how you can get it but more importantly, they have recipes you can grab!
Love, Dozer, Dottie and Cooper
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