For a brief, shining moment, the peak color enhances everything, and we're lovely.

Like Queen Anne's lace? It's a weed, and was dug up along a roadside.

Jim wants to get out the machete to hack a path for the corgis, through the jungle. I'm thinkin'....what jungle?

The hollyhocks are seven foot tall!

These bushy sunflowers, bloom all summer long, and thicken up, making a hedge.

Lots of color, lots of birds, lots of work...but man, I love the colors!
So lovely!!! I sure enjoy looking at those pictures!!! Are you reasonably good at choosing names? Enter my contest and maybe you will WIN A PRIZE!!!
The flowers in your yard are just glorious! I especially like the Queen Anne's Lace!!
ok..I am going to try to post using your http here....we will see...hey got to http://ladyjanesemporiumandmore.blogspot.com and try to post a comment on my last post...let me know....
Your flowers are beautiful. Thanks!
I remember some photos you showed of yr little cottage in the snow and the cold...I remember thinking how cozy it looked, but how desolate outside...I can't believe the difference. It's like a fairyland now. You could make a beautiful calendar of all the plants and blooms and just the gorgeous cheeriness of it all!!! The corgis by the gate are so adorable...
I don't get it yet!!!! Still working on the posting thing!
Am I crazy or did you do a major overhaul on your blog? It looks totally different to me - am I seeing things?
Looks great.
Love those beautiful flowers - you're a master gardener which I am not (LOL).
Hee hee, your blog is cute. Wanna be blog friends?? I added myself to your followers. Come check out my blog when you get a chance :)
Your garden is so beautiful! I am jealous :)
*sigh* I wish I could grow plants like my mama. I did not inherit your green thumb.
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