~Elaine Boosler
There is no more creative force in the world than the menopausal woman with zest.~
~Margaret Mead
I refuse to think of them as chin hairs...I think of them as stray eyebrows!
~Janette Barber
Now, that I'm way on the wrong side of sixty, I feel that being true to self is important. "I yam, what I yam." Kindness and smiles are to be given away. Women are strong. Men are more vulnerable than we believe. Husbands may come and go...but one thing I know for sure is that I will NEVAH live without a corgi or coffee in my life if I can prevent it. Come piles of dog fur or hot water!
Love the last one - that is funny! Have a great weekend!
Hmmmmm.That Elaine woman must know me! I grabbed a fish sandwich while running to some garage sales...shopping for the frugal!
Hee, hee the last one is sooo funny. I need to think of things that way.
My, we are full of ponder this evening. I agree with Lady Jane, I grab a sandwich while I shop...hee-haw.
So if I didn't shop I could be running a small country somewhere? I've got the Republic of Buttercup.
Shop shop shop...maybe I should invade a foreign country to get money to shop MORE!!!
Shopping always works for me:)
This was such a cute post... I eat & shop so I am doomed... A fat person with a lot of great stuff. ha ha Have a great day
So...where do I order the menopause for dummies book?
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